Willkommen bei Wikivoyage!
BearbeitenHallo Gastromartini, herzlich willkommen! Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß beim Bearbeiten von Wikivoyage. Dies hier ist deine Benutzerdiskussionsseite.
Damit du dich zurechtfindest, schau dir mal unseren Wegweiser durch Wikivoyage an. Falls du weitere Infos suchst, helfen dir bestimmt unsere Hilfe-Seiten und das Autorenportal weiter. Wenn du über die Wikipedia zu uns gekommen bist, schau bitte auch mal bei Willkommen, Wikipedianer rein. Für alle Fragen und Anregungen steht die Lounge offen, oder du wendest dich an mich. -- Berthold Mail Talk 06:34, 30. Jan. 2013 (CET)
- Hallo Gastromartin. Danke für deinen ausführlichen Beitrag in der Lounge. Ich habe ihn gemäß unseren Konventionen nach unten verschoben. Wenn du wieder mal etwas in die Lounge stellen möchtest, benutze bitte in der oberen Zeile den Schalter "Abschnitt hinzufügen". Zunächst eine Klarstellung: Wikivoyage gibt es seit mehreren Jahren, siehe Geschichte von Wikivoyage. Seit kurzem sind wir zur Wikimedia-Foundation gekommen und mussten etliche Dinge ändern, dies wurde zeitlich noch nicht ganz bewältigt. Ich werde mir deine Anregungen nochmal durchlesen und werde sicher die eine oder andere davon in unsere Hilfeseiten einarbeiten. Die sind im Moment etwas chaotisch, das wissen wir. --Berthold Mail Talk 06:37, 7. Feb. 2013 (CET)
Artikelnamen in Falle Madeira
BearbeitenIch hatte es schon in die Lounge geschrieben. Aber damit es nicht untergeht nochmal hier. Artikelbenennungen wie Madeira: Küste Nordwesten entsprechen nicht unseren Vorgaben. Der Doppelpunkt dient In einem Wiki zur Abtrennung des Namensraums. Solche Artikel heißen bei uns im Regelfall Nordwestmadeira. Madeiras Nordwesten wäre auch möglich. Bei Himmelsrichtungen haben wir das noch nicht so ganz präzisiert. -- DerFussi 07:55, 4. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- @Fussi: Danke für den Hinweis, das hatte ich übersehen, und ich wollte gerade mit der Vervollständigung weitermachen. Die Zwischenartikel sind ohnehin nicht mein liebstes Kind, wir hatten uns aber entspr. meiner Anfrage in der Lounge darauf geeinigt.
- Jetzt ließe sich das noch einfach korrigieren, weil die Artikel nur in der Navileiste verlinkt sind bzw. ich verbleibende (übersehene) Reste bei der weiteren Bearbeitung des Reiseführers finden werde. Die vernünftigste Lösung wäre, den Doppelpunkt einfach wegzulassen (letzte "Region" Insel Porto Santo läßt sich schwer als Madeiras Porto Santo benennen und in den Zwischenartikeln sollte der Unterschied von den Küstengebieten zum Hochland deutlich werden, m.E.).
- Wenn das Zustimmung findet, würde ich einfach entspr. Artikel neu anlegen (sind erst drei von sieben) und die alten mit dem Doppelpunkt löschen (lassen, weiß nicht wie da das Prozedere ist). Durch die Löschung sollte noch kein großer Schaden entstehen. Ich glaube nicht, dass jemand anderes bisher darauf zugegriffen hat.
- Wäre schön, wenn du mir zum Vorgehen weiterhelfen kannst, damit ich weiterarbeiten kann. Vielen Dank --Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:20, 5. Mär. 2013 (CET)
Madeira Porto Santo
BearbeitenHallo Gastromartini,
Ich habe gesehen das Du viel zu Porto Santo schreibst und das finde ich super und freut mich. Madeira steht auf jeden Fall noch auf meiner persönlichen Wunschreisezielliste;-) Da werde ich Deinen Input gut brauchen könnnen. Du hast auch erkannt, dass Schlauer Adler schon einen Artikel Porto Santo geschrieben hat und das zusammengefügt. Aber jetzt kommt leider mein Einwand. Leider sind die Texte jetzt in der Versionsgeschichte des Artikels unter Deinem Namen als Author zu sehen. Zwar hast Du auf der Diskussionsseite einen UHR-Vermerk hinterlassen, doch das reicht nicht, da gerade Diskussionsseiten schneller geleert, geändert oder was auch immer werden als wir schauen können. Besser wäre es wenn Du Deine Texte oder Deinen Artikel in den vom Schlauen Adler transferieren würdest. So wären beide Authoren (Du und Schlauer Adler) leicht und unwiederuflich in der Versionsgeschichte verewigt. Ist ein bischen Arbeit aber danach wärst Du UHR sicher und der Aufwand ist überschaubar. Die Betitelung Porto Santo würde mir eh besser gefallen, da wir dann conform mit Wikipedia wären. Ist denn der offizielle Name der Insel Madeira Porto Santo oder hast Du in den Namen einen Regionsverweis mit reingesetzt?
Falls Du noch Fragen hast, stehe ich Dir natürlich jederzeit zu Verfügung
Gruß aus Köln - Klaus (Diskussion) 13:33, 20. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Hallo Gastromartini, Klaus hat im Prinzip recht, was den Namen angeht und auch was die Versionsgeschichte betrifft. Im Endeffekt sollte es ein Artikel sein mit dem Namen "Porto Santo".
- Was den Artikel zu den "Levadawanderung" betrifft, habe ich keine Einwände. Der Artikel selbst ist brauchbar, seine Form richtet sich logischerweise nach den örtlichen Voraussetzungen, und die Einordnung in "Europa" ist in Ordnung, solange es der einzige Artikel dieser Art aus Portugal bzw. Madeira ist. Die 25 Fontes bin ich vor ??? Jahren auch mal entlang gewandert und fand es toll, wenn auch stellenweise nicht ganz ungefährlich. Aber da bist du sicher aktueller. -- Berthold Mail Talk 13:59, 20. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Danke für die Hinweise, in diesem Fall hatte ich an DerFussi gewandt, um alle Admins gleichmäßig mit meinen Angelegenheiten zu belasten -:). Das Problem liegt darin, dass "mein" Porto Santo-Artikel einer von sechs Regionalisierungen Madeiras darstellen soll, daher auch die ungewöhnliche Nomenklatur. Diese Regionalisierung folgt derjenigen, die auch von den meisten Reiseführern angewendet wird, nämlich vier geographische Einteilungen (NO,SO,SW,NW), die das Beiwort Madeira zur Klarstellung benötigen zuzüglich Funchal und Porto Santo. Aus Konsistenzgründen würde ich meine Nomenklatur eher behalten wollen, auch wenn mein Herz im umgekehrten Fall nicht bricht.
- Ich habe Schlauer_Adler angeschrieben und gefragt, ob er diese Regelung mittragen kann und warte noch auf Antwort. Ohne seine Zustimmung werde ich die Seitenbelegung natürlich "umdrehen". In der Versionsgeschichte wurde unter Zusammenfassung die Herkunft und Urheberschaft des Textes deklariert.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 17:15, 20. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Hallo Gastromartini, das ist löblich das du da mitdenkst. Du kannst deinen Text in den Porto Santo schieben und den Artikel dann verschieben, das heißt ihm einen neuen Namen geben (falls nur einer benötigt wird). Oder es gibt die Möglichkeit die Versionsgeschichte eines Artikels zu exportieren und für den neuen Artikel zu importieren (falls beide benötigt werden). Egal wie Schwarzer Adler antwortet - wir sollten so verfahren, damit es auch für die Zukunft richtig dokumentiert ist. LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 17:36, 20. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Grins, habe dir gerade auf der Lounge geantwortet. Ich werde mich heute Abend daran machen, den Artikel nach Porto Santo(alt) versetzen und wenn du dann noch magst, das kategorisieren vorübergehend dir überlassen.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 17:48, 20. Mär. 2013 (CET)
Themenartikel Levadawanderungen
BearbeitenHallo Gastromartini, jetzt mal persölich bei dir. Erstmal ein dickes Lob für die Aufbauarbeit in Madeira. Solch ein Projekt macht in WV viel Arbeit (das weiss ich aus eigener Erfahrung z. B. in bezug auf Nordhessen). Was die Wanderungen angeht wollte ich mal nachfragen, was da deine weiteren Pläne sind. Es wäre echt wichtig, dass wir bei solch einem langem Übersichtsartikel zum Thema "Levadawanderungen auf Madeira" zumindest 3 bis 5 kürzere Themenartikel zu einzelnen Routen hätten, mit denen man vor Ort auf Tour gehen kann. So "schwebt" der Übersichtsartikel, bei dem du dir natürlich viel Arbeit gemacht hast, mehr oder weniger ziemlich in der Luft. Wenn ich deine Literaturangaben richtig gelesen habe, gibt es ja wohl bis zu 50 Levadawanderungen auf der Insel. Wenn du bei der Erstellung der GPS-Daten für die Kartnefunktion via OSM hilfe brauchst, bin ich da gerne bereit, was für die schönsten Touren zusammenzubasteln (am besten für gut erschlossene Routen mit absturzsicherungen und guter Erreichbarkeit per Bus / KFZ). Ich muss nur wissen, was eben die schönsten und am besten erschlossenen Strecken sind. Vielleicht z. B. 2 Einsteigertouren und 3 fortgeschrittene Touren. Openstreetmap ist auf der Insel wohl noch nicht komplett vollständig, aber je nach Region sicher schon brauchbar um Wanderrouten zu erstellen. Falls du keine eigenen Bilder hast, sind ja auf Commons ein paar Routen schon gut bebildert vorhanden die man für Artikel nutzen könnte (ich nehme mal an, die Bilder hast du sicher schon entdeckt). VG --Dirk (Diskussion) 01:28, 23. Mär. 2013 (CET)
Das hier sieht von den Bildern her für mich schon mal interessant aus. Sofern das halbwegs gangbar ist (Absturzgefahr usw.) wäre das evtl. schon mal was für eine Route. Zumindest sind mehr als genügend Bilder da. VG --Dirk (Diskussion) 01:36, 23. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Eigeninfo für später. Hab ich beim Rumwühlen in Commons Dreckskategoriezirkus noch eine gefunden, die später wichtig wird --Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:54, 29. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Danke für die Blumen. Bisher habe ich erstmal hpts. sehr viel gelernt über Arbeitsweise, Stolpersteine usw., was aber an sich ja gut ist. Daher wollte ich mich in der nächsten Zeit wieder mehr der Fortsetzung der vielen fehlenden und/oder unvollständigen Ortsartikel im Namensraum Madeira widmen.
- der Plan zum Wanderthema ist folgender. Ich wollte zunächst einmal tatsächlich das Thema als solches platzieren, nachdem Madeira für seine Levadas berühmt ist und einen ersten Schnupperpunkt für Wanderfreunde setzen. Aus meinen eigenen Vorplanungen zu Madeira und davor Gran Canaria weiß ich, daß eine solche Übersicht grundsätzlich mal hilfreich ist, weil nirgends vorhanden (alle Wanderfreunde beschreiben im Netz zwar die eigenen Wanderungen, mal besser, mal schlechter, geben aber selten Ansätze für andere zu eigenen Planungen). Insoweit ist Schweben zunächst mal besser wie gar nix.
- Ich selbst konnte 2010 auch "nur" 6 Wanderungen selber machen, die Erlebnisse meines ersten Urlaubs 1991 haben nur noch historischen Anekdotenwert. Die habe ich natürlich dokumentiert und fotografiert, die Auswahl ist aber für eine erste Schwerpunktsetzung nicht geeignet, weil zu willkürlich. Zunächst geht es mir darum, Besuchern, die im Hauptnamensraum auf solche Wanderungen stoßen und "Blut lecken", einen weiteren Überblick zu bieten. Die beiden angebotenen Weblinks bieten für Interessierte tatsächlich gut dokumentierte Beschreibungen, die etwa 75% der dargestellten Tracks abdecken. Ein Mehrwert ist auch durch die schwebende Seite zumindest geschaffen für den, der weiterwühlen mag.
- Hauptsächlich möchte ich aber in der nächsten Woche die Autoren der verlinkten Seiten ansprechen (ich habe sie ja auch in meinem eigenen Blog verlinkt) und versuchen, sie zur Bearbeitung einzelner, solcher Artikel motivieren, meine und dann vor allem auch deine Hilfe anbieten. Wenn da Wohlwollen entgegenkommt, wären neue, kompetente Autoren gewonnen, die den Themenhintergrund wesentlich kompetenter und effizienter vom Hintergrundmaterial mit Leben füllen könnten als ich das kann. Es wäre dann lediglich die Frage zu klären, ob eine einzelne Wanderbeschreibung im Themenraum oder im Hauptnamensraum abgelegt werden soll.
- Nur wenn das nicht gelingen sollte, werde ich versuchen, das nach und nach selber aufzuarbeiten, aber, wie gesagt, meine erste Priorität gilt jetzt dem Hauptnamensraum. Dann aber werde ich tatsächlich deine Hilfe brauchen, ich bin nämlich noch so ein Steinzeitmensch, der sich eine Landkarte kauft und mit der auf Reisen geht. Mein handy der Vorvorgeneration könnte, glaube ich, sogar mit GPS-Daten umgehen, ich aber nicht.
- Vielleicht hat bissi Motivationsschubsen ja Erfolg, dann hätten wir alle ein Oster-Ei im Nest. Ich hoffe jetzt erstmal auf die "Berufsehre" eingefleischter Inselwanderer. Sonst sprechen eben wir weiter, melde mich mit Erfolg/Mißerfolg nach Ostern.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 03:00, 24. Mär. 2013 (CET)
- Auch von mir ein herzliches Dankeschön für deine Arbeit, macht Lust da nochmal hinzufliegen. Auf die Levadawanerungen bin ich auch gespannt aber manchmal muss man sich mal Zeit lassen, Rom wurd auch nicht an einem Tag geschrieben. Deiner Außen(an)werbung drück ich die Daumen, hoffentlich klappt da was. Wünsch dir frohe Ostertage! LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 07:07, 24. Mär. 2013 (CET)
So, bin wieder zurück. Ich habe einen Blogbetreiber angesprochen, der aber aus Zeitgründen nicht selbst mitarbeiten möchte. Die Genehmigung per email, Texte und Bilder unter Namensnennung zu verwenden, liegt mir vor. Meines Wissens nützt mir das aber betreffend der Bilder gar nix, ich müsste sie ja in Commons hochladen. Weiß jemand da was Genaueres?--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:03, 16. Apr. 2013 (CEST)
- Guten Morgen und willkommen zurück. Schau mal auf diese Seiten: Commons:OTRS/de oder Wikipedia:Textvorlagen#Freigaben von Texten und Bildern.
- LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 04:43, 16. Apr. 2013 (CEST)
Redirect Kat->Artikel?
BearbeitenHallo Gastromartini. Du hast da einen redirekt in der [[:Kategorie:Santana (Madeira)]] eingesetzt, der auch noch auf einen echten Artikel geht. Irgendwie kommt mir das spanisch vor. Wenn du mir sagst was du eigentlich vorhattest (z.B. die Kat löschen? oder die Artikel in die richtige Kat umziehen lassen?) dann helf ich da gerne mit. Nur so wie das aktuell eingestellt ist macht das keinen Sinn. LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 13:22, 17. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Hallo Nati. Ich bin jetzt dabei, die letzten Artikel zu komplettieren, die teilw. als Stub schon vorhanden waren. Dort gibt es vereinzelt noch Kategorien, die von den Erstverfassern angelegt wurden und daher nicht mehr in das von uns gemeinsam implementierte System (wie in der Navigation dargestellt) passen. Ist mir aber erst sehr spät bzw. früh aufgefallen. Dachte, ich könnte schnell noch den entspr. Kategorieverweis bei Weblinks löschen, den gabs nicht, dann das bitte-Löschen-Tag mal wieder nicht gefunden, Redirect-Hinweis dafür gefunden, Unsinn angestellt, Schlafen gegangen.
- Es gibt derzeit noch mindestens zwei Kategorien (Santana und Machico), die gelöscht werden müssten, um sie mit dem aktuellen Kat-System konsistent zu machen (die Artikel gehören dann zu Madeira Nordostküste, betrifft Santana(Madeira), Sao Jorge, Machico und Canical). Sonst habe ich keine "Schläfer" mehr gefunden. Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit --Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:56, 18. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Alles klar. Ich hab mal Löschanträge gestellt. Denke, das das so schon funktioniert weil die durch IstInKat erzeugt wurden. Falls nicht kümmere ich mich drum. By the Way: Super Arbeit in Madeira!!! LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 07:11, 18. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Besten Dank. Habe derweilen mal deinen Möglichkeitenraum in der Lounge-Diskussion erweitert. LG --Gastromartini (Diskussion) 00:24, 19. Mai 2013 (CEST)
Vorschlag Änderung des Regelwerks bzgl. v-cards (Kopien zulassen)
BearbeitenIn den letzten beiden Wochen gab es heftige und teilw. auch beleidigte Diskussionen zur Frage, ob in Themenartikeln Kopien von v-cards zulässig sind, die im Hauptnamensraum bereits erstellt worden sind. Hintergrund war die Erstellung einiger Themenartikel, die sich mit dem Verlauf von Fernstraßen, aktuell Bundesautobahnen befassen. (dort hpts. Diskussionsverlauf, teilw. bereits archiviert, weitere Facetten in der WV-Lounge). Insgesamt betreffen diese Fragestellungen aber grundsätzlich alle Themenartikel, da hier regelmäßig Informationen des Hauptnamensraums anders aufbereitet dargestellt werden, also auch Wanderwege, Radrouten, Rundfahrtvorschläge).
Redundanz vs. nutzerfreundliche Darstellung in WV vorhandener Information
BearbeitenEin gewichtiges Argument gegen das Zulassen von Kopien liegt in dem berechtigten Bemühen, eine Information möglichst eindeutig darzustellen. Hintergrund ist das allgemeine Bestreben, das Instrument v-card zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in eine Datenbank umzuwandeln, die eine umfassende Auslesung der gesammelten Informationen auch unter Aspekten ermöglicht, die über die bisherige rein geografische Kategorisierung hinausgehen (Bsp.: Museen im Allgäu). Thematisiert wurden auch Fragen des Urheberrechts, was den Erstersteller einer ggf. kopierten v-card anbelangt. Diese sollen in Anbetracht der weiteren Vorschläge zurückgestellt werden.
Im Themenbereich werden Reiseinformationen gegeben, die sich mit dem Namensraum oft überschneiden werden, weil sie dessen Informationen unter einem anderen Aspekt aufbereiten. Ein Vorschlag für eine Radtour wird verschiedene Orte berühren, die im Namensraum angesprochen werden und dort sind evtl. die v-cards für Einkehrmöglichkeiten hinterlegt. Nach bisherigen Möglichkeiten kann zwar im Themenartikel darauf verlinkt werden, das führt aber m.W. noch nicht zur Ausgabe der hinterlegten Informationen in der Print- oder Screenausgabe des verlinkenden Themenartikels. Für den Nutzer, der die angesprochene Route aktiv nachvollziehen will und sich dazu die Seite ausdruckt, sind die auf diese Weise fehlenden Infos höchst unproduktiv. Bis hierher fehlen ihm die wertvollen Zusatzinformationen hpts. wegen interner WV-Vorgaben, die sich auf eine höchst ungewiss in der Zukunft liegende evtl. Auswertungsmöglichkeit derselben beziehen.
Ausweg Vorlage oder Erweiterung der v-vard-types
BearbeitenUm dieses Dilemma zu umgehen, wurde vorgeschlagen, für jede zu kopierende v-card eine Vorlage zu erstellen. Auf diese Weise würde die zu kopierende v-card in eine Vorlage umgewandelt, die an verschiedenen Orten der WV zum Einsatz kommen kann und trotzdem eindeutig und einmalig bleibt. Vorlagen sollen aber zu Recht häufig benutzte Vorgänge unterstützen und ordnen, während es im Rahmen dieser Problematik darum geht, eine meist höchstens doppelt oder dreifach auszugebende Information zu steuern. Der Themenraum wird sich ausweiten, und es ist kaum absehbar, mit welcher Dynamik dies geschehen wird. Damit werden solche v-card-Zwillinge zunehmen und bei Benutzung dieses Umwegs auch die Anzahl solcher Vorlagen, die dann gegliedert werden müssten und irgendwann der Gliederung des Hauptnamensraums entsprechen könnten.
Letztlich entsteht so nur eine ebenfalls redundante und schwer zu verwaltende Vorstufe einer zukünftigen Datenbank.
Daher nochmals Wiederholung meines Alternativvorschlags:
- Erweiterung des type-Spektrums der Vorlage v-card durch zwei nicht auszugebende types:
- |Erstanlage in Artikelname
- |Kopien in Artikelname;Artikelname
- Verpflichtung im Regelwerk, bei Kopien im Original der v-cards die entsprechenden Einträge vorzunehmen, danach erst die Kopie vorzunehmen
Diese Vorgehensweise sollte bei späterer Erstellung einer Datenbank bspw. einem Bot genügend Möglichkeiten bieten, Duplikate auszuschließen. Sie erleichtert zumindest dem verständnisvollen Nutzer, allfällige Korrekturen korrekt auszuführen und ermöglicht auch die Klarstellung des Urhebers. Falls das Aufzeigen des Ursprungsortes hierzu nicht genügen sollte, kann auch ein weiterer type |Ersteller hinzugefügt werden, falls notwendig.
Weiters wird so der durch Kopien induzierte Verwaltungsaufwand auf denjenigen verlagert, der ihn auch ausgelöst hat. Ein vermutlich bald ausuferndes Vorlagenkonstrukt erfordert dagegen Pflege durch Admins, die sehr bald Unterkategorien werden schaffen müssen. Auch Fehlverhalten unerfahrener Nutzer sollte durch diese Instrumente schneller ausgleichbar sein als durch Nacherstellung allfälliger Vorlagen.
Was nicht übersehen werden sollte: In jedem Fall muss soweit möglich verhindert werden, dass im Themenraum weitere v-cards angelegt werden, die ein bereits vorhandenes, im Namensraum hinterlegtes Objekt nochmals beschreiben. Ein absolutes Kopierverbot wird ein solches Verhalten aber fördern, wenn nicht gar provozieren.
Grundsatz: Anlageort für v-cards ist der Namensraum
BearbeitenUm solche Zweideutigkeiten zu vermeiden, sollte dieser Grundsatz für alle gelten. Es wurde wiederholt problematisiert, direkt zu einer Route gehörige Objekte wie Rastplätze, Parkplätze, Aussichtspunkte auf Wanderwegen etc. auch als Wurzelort im betreffenden Themenartikel zu belassen. Tatsächlich aber wird der Themenartikel fast immer die Neu-Aufbereitung von Namensräumen betreffen. Fast immer also wird die Information im Namensartikel unter "Mobilität", "Aktivitäten", "Ausflüge" o.ä. einen ebenso sinnvollen Platz finden. Anders ausgedrückt: Wenn die Info tatsächlich neu ist, ist es fast zwingend, sie auch im zugehörigen Namensraum zu verwurzeln, der immer noch der Erstausgangspunkt unseres Systems ist und bleiben sollte.
Notfalls mag es auch erzieherisch wirksam sein, Autoren von Themenartikel auf die "Mitpflege" des zugeordneten Namensraums zu verweisen. Ich persönlich würde sogar lieber mit dadurch evtl. verursachten Stubs leben, aber diese Diskussion wird woanders geführt.
BearbeitenIch möchte folgenden Konsens vorschlagen:
- die v-card-Vorlage wird um die typen "Erstanlage" und "Kopie in" erweitert
- Kopien werden zukünftig ausdrücklich zugelassen, soweit sie diese types auch bedienen
- Zweitanlagen von v-cards zu einem bereits vorhandenen Objekt sind ausdrücklich unerwünscht
- v-cards müssen außer in begründeten Ausnahmefällen im Namensraum angelegt werden, notfalls ist dieser zu schaffen
--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 03:19, 24. Mai 2013 (CEST)
→ nach Diskussion Reisethemen kopiert.
BearbeitenHallo Gastromartini, und vielen Dank für die Arbeit. Ich find es gut wenn wir das Thema nochmal auf die Tagesordnung bringen und möglichst sachlich vorankommen.
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe hast du jetzt noch eine Möglichkeit zusätzlich aufgemacht (oder ich hab es vorher überlesen, sorry). Ich hatt die hier schon mal zusammengefasst: A.) vCard nur im Ortsartikel B.) vCard zur Route (wenn sie dort hingehört) und C.) Kopien zulassen mit doppelten Einträgen (C1) oder als Vorlage (C2). Deine wäre jetzt sowas wie eine Ergänzung von B und C1. Vielleicht bekommen wir gemeinsam eine Seite hin wo alle Möglichkeiten stehen)
Für mich nochmal zum verständnis deiner beiden zusätzliche infos in der vCard:
- |Erstanlage in Artikelname
- |Kopien in Artikelname;Artikelname
Sehe ich das richtig, dass der erste Punkt nur in der vCard der jeweiligen Kopie genützt würde? Und der zweite Teil dann nur im Original?
Sinnvoll fände ich dazu eine Auswertemöglichkeit um zu sehen wo vCards voneinander abhängen (vereinfacht die Pflege, reduziert Fehler). LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 12:44, 24. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Hallo Nati, diese Liste ist mir bekannt und ich hatte sie auch schon in der Lounge mit etwa obigem Vorschlag kommentiert. Letztlich kann man den Vorschlag auch als Erweiterung deiner (C1) auffassen. Gemeint ist es so, dass tatsächliche 1:1-Kopien der v-card zugelassen werden. In jeder steht sowohl die Erstanlage wie auch der Ort der Kopie bzw. Regel soll sein, dass jeder, der eine Kopie einer v-card anfertigt, verpflichtet wird, im Original beide types auszufüllen.
- Hintergrund ist der unwahrscheinliche, aber mögliche Fall, dass in einem weiteren Themenartikel eine Drittkopie eingesetzt werden soll (Jemand hat noch einen Wanderweg von einer AB-Raststätte aus anzubieten o.ä.). In diesem Fall müsste der type "|Kopien in" um den weiteren Speicherort ergänzt werden und die veränderte v-card danach in den beiden "alten" Speicherorten datengleich ersetzt werden. Es soll jedenfalls aus jeder v-card, die im Rahmen dieses Wikis kopiert worden ist, ersichtlich sein, wo die Erstanlage herkommt und wo Kopien liegen.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:49, 25. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Ok, jetzt hab ich es verstanden. Diese Rückverfolgbarkeit wird bei der C2-Lösung schon durch die Mediawiki Software angeboten. Wenn du mal eine der Vorlagen in der Kategorie:Vorlagen:vCards/Deutschland aufrufst und links in der Sidebar auf "Links auf diese Seite" klickst bekommst du angezeigt wo diese eingebaut ist. Das muss keiner manuell pflegen und es kann auch keiner vergessen/falschmachen. LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 07:18, 25. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Hintergrund ist der unwahrscheinliche, aber mögliche Fall, dass in einem weiteren Themenartikel eine Drittkopie eingesetzt werden soll (Jemand hat noch einen Wanderweg von einer AB-Raststätte aus anzubieten o.ä.). In diesem Fall müsste der type "|Kopien in" um den weiteren Speicherort ergänzt werden und die veränderte v-card danach in den beiden "alten" Speicherorten datengleich ersetzt werden. Es soll jedenfalls aus jeder v-card, die im Rahmen dieses Wikis kopiert worden ist, ersichtlich sein, wo die Erstanlage herkommt und wo Kopien liegen.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:49, 25. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Is schon klar, ich habe nichts prinzipiell gegen den Weg Vorlagen. Nach meiner Erfahrung dauert es aber für einen neuen Nutzer eher lange, bis er die Sidebar-Werkzeuge wahrnimmt (kann auch an mir liegen), und mir geht es eigentlich nur um einen verwaltungstechnisch möglichst günstigen Weg. Der anfänglich (teilw. zu Recht) kontrovers diskutierte Artikel zur A9 würde allein schon grob geschätzt mind. 30 neue Vorlagen verursachen, ein evtl. weiterer dasselbe Volumen nochmal. Außerdem müsste ein Automatismus gefunden werden, solche (oder alle?, oder nur kopierte?) v-cards als Vorlage zu definieren. Nur das erscheint mir als Aufwand zu hoch, und aus der Ecke kommt mein Vorschlag. Es geht ja letztlich nur um die Gehhilfe, bis wir das Instrument in ferner Zukunft vielleicht datenbankgesteuert einsetzen können, und dabei eben um den sinnvollsten Weg.
- Ich persönlich bin da schmerzfrei, weil ich im Namemnsraum genug zu tun habe. Sollte ich aber einige, wie oben schon angefragte Wanderungesartikel nicht durch Kopien von mir selbst erstellter v-cards nur wegen eines Regelwerks nicht ergänzen können, würde ich, wie man in Bayern sagt, zum Viech werden.
- Deine Untergliederung der von DerFussi installierten Diskussion führt jedenfalls weiter. Ich warte gespannt darauf, wann sich die Duellanten auf der Demokratie-Ebene treffen, die sie eingefordert haben. Bis dahin werde ich mich jedenfalls wieder auf die Artikelarbeit konzentrieren.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 03:44, 26. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Das liegt nicht an dir, ich habs auch immer wieder das ich solche Sachen nicht sehe, Wahrnehmen, Beobachten, Ignorieren sag ich immer :). Deshalb hatte ich ja in meinem ersten Beispiel auch so einen Text reingeschrieben, der neueren Autoren helfen soll. Wenn sie denn bis dahin überhaupt gekommen sind.
- Artikelarbeit liegt mir auch am Herzen, ich mach das auch in solchen Diskussionen, das ich mich auf einen Artikel stürze um den Kopf wieder frei zu bekommen. Eigentlich ist das unser "Kerngeschäft", wie man so schön sagt. Und Madeira wird echt schön. Viel Spaß dabei! Lg --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 09:26, 26. Mai 2013 (CEST)
Ein Traum
BearbeitenFür mich wäre die ideale Lösung eine Eingabe-Maske, die ich aufrufe und alle Daten eingebe. Danach müsste automatisch eine Vorlage unter dem Namen erstellt werden, den ich dieser Vorlage gegeben habe und geprüft ob es diesen Namen schon gibt. Dann müsste ich nur noch den Namen dieser Vorlage in die Artikel oder das Thema einfügen und alle Information könnten zentral gepflegt werden und wären überall verfügbar. Der Zeitaufwand wäre nicht viel größer als bisher. Das ist meine Vorstellung, ob sich das umsetzen lässt habe ich aber auch gar keine Ahnung. -- Benreis (Diskussion) 13:06, 24. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Ein Alptraum ist auch ein Traum. Jetzt müsste genau dort der Hebel angesetzt werden, wo Roland schon mehrfach darauf hingewiesen hat, dass das momentan keinen Sinn macht. Noch einen oder zwei Parameter hinzu, die nicht ausgewertet werden können? Ist mir unverständlich. Wenn schon, dann gleich richtig, vielleicht braucht WV-en oder WV-el ebenfalls diese VCards, dann machen wir eine eigene Datenbank auf und verpassen jeder Eckkneipe eine IPv6-Adresse. -- Berthold Mail Talk 13:42, 24. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Ausgewertet werden könnten diese zusätzlichen types eben schon, nur nicht im Print oder Screen ausgegeben. Ich habe Rolands Einwand a.a.O. schon zur Kenntnis genommen und akzeptiert. Hier geht es nicht um eine Auswertungsmöglichkeit, sondern um eine eher krückenhafte Gehhilfe, bis wir zu etwas Ähnlichem wie einer Datenbank kommen.
- Du hast doch an den Diskussionen auch selbst teilgenommen und gesehen, dass v-card-Kopien für Themenartikel wichtig sein können (und damit meine ich nicht reine Datensammlungen, sondern ein Gerüst wie es Nati in ihrem A-43-Artikel vorgestellt hat). Ich schlage nur eine m.E. einfachere Möglichkeit vor, den Informationsgehalt einer v-card an verschiedenen Orten ausgeben zu können, die Bedenken der jeweiligen Erstersteller zu berücksichtigen und nicht ein Wust an neuen Vorlagen zu schaffen, die jeweils ein Zwillingspärchen an v-cards bedienen.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 02:13, 25. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Wenn ich auch mal träumen darf . . . . Jeder Leser bekommt ein paar Knöpfe oder Schieberegler und kann damit selbst einstellen wie viele Informationen er in dem Artikel dazu sehen/drucken will. Etwa so:
- Regler auf Null: Der Artikel beschreibt den Ort oder die Route mit seinen Sehenswürdigkeiten (keine störenden Zusatzinfos)
- Regler auf 1: die Hotels, Restaurants, Tankstellen, Apotheken, etc. werden namentlich aufgeführt
- Regler auf die nächste Stufe: einblenden der Adresse und Telefonnummer
- Regler auf Maximun: alle Infos aus der vCard/Datenbank werden eingeblendet
- Seufz. Aber abwarten, hab schon so viel sich entwickeln sehen, das halte ich auch für möglich - nur nicht morgen. LG --Nati aus Sythen Diskussion 14:14, 24. Mai 2013 (CEST)
- Wenn ich auch mal träumen darf . . . . Jeder Leser bekommt ein paar Knöpfe oder Schieberegler und kann damit selbst einstellen wie viele Informationen er in dem Artikel dazu sehen/drucken will. Etwa so:
Diese Träume sind nicht so schwer zu realisieren, wenn wir eine Datenbank installieren können. Wie Berthold bzw. ursächlich Roland schon sagen, als Teil der Wikimedia-Familie müssen wir eben auf Wikidata warten und uns so lange behelfen. Das mag manchmal nervig sein, andererseits genießen wir auch Vorteile aus der Gemeinsamkeit. Im Auffüllen des Namensraums haben wir aber ohnehin noch genug zu tun, um eine solche Datenbank mit Sinn zu füllen. Träumen darf man aber trotzdem.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 03:29, 27. Mai 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The Translate extension and Universal Language Selector were enabled on Wikimedia Commons on May 20. Commons users can now easily change languages, and translate pages with a friendly interface. [1]
- The Notifications feature, active on the English Wikipedia, now supports local blacklists and whitelists. It is possible to hide users (for example certain bots) from all notifications on the wiki. Also, e-mail notifications are now grouped. [2] [3]
- The first stable release of MediaWiki 1.21 for sites outside Wikimedia was published on May 25. [4]
- The tool storing information about languages (CLDR) was updated to the latest version (23.1). [5]
- Due to a software issue, users couldn't enable or disable Gadgets. The issue is now fixed.
- Future software changes
- MediaWiki will stop supporting XHTML 1.0 and HTML versions lower than version 5. HTML5 will now be the default language for pages created by the software. [6] [7]
- The software will check if all uploaded files are secure and match their type. [8]
- The Wikimedia Commons Android app will come out of the beta phase on its next release. [9]
- Account creation by manual log-in will now be recorded in the account creation log (bug 42434). [10]
- Links to file description pages will again be accessible directly from within videos (bug 43747). [11]
- The software behind recent changes patrolling was re-written; the change fixes issues related to patrolling new pages, among other things. [12]
- During a meeting, developers agreed on rules about making big changes to the software. [13]
- There is now a category to list pages with invalid music code. [14]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Unsubscribe.
Neueste Tech-News aus der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere andere Benutzer über diese Änderderungen.
- Letzte Software-Änderungen
- (Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf5) was added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 29. It will be enabled on the English Wikipedia on June 3, and on all other Wikipedias on June 5. [15]
- The Tamil Wikipedia shared a Lua module they created to automate their Main Page. [16]
- There is now a test wiki to test new features in right-to-left languages. [17]
- The Thanks feature was added to the English Wikipedia; users can now thank others for individual edits. [18]
- The new interface for account creation and log-in is now the default on 30 wikis, including the English Wikipedia, Commons, Meta, and Wikidata. The feature will be added to all wikis after June 5. Users can return to the old look by adding ?useNew=0 to the web address. [19]
- Videos are now played in pop-up windows if their size on the page is smaller than 200 pixels (800 pixels on the English Wikipedia). [20]
- Opening your talk page now marks notifications as read, for wikis using the Notifications feature. (bug 47912) [21].
- All autoconfirmed users can now reset transcoding of video files; previously only administrators could do this. [22]
- The Nearby feature allows people who use mobile devices to see Wikipedia articles about objects and places around them. [23]
- Geplante Softwareänderungen
- The PostEdit feature is now part of MediaWiki, and will work on all wikis. (bug 48726) [24]
- The Narayam and WebFonts extensions will be replaced by the Universal Language Selector extension. [25]
- MediaWiki will now be updated every week, starting on June 6. Thanks to this, bugs will be fixed and features will be added faster than they are now. [26]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf6) was added to test wikis and on June 6, and to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 10. It will be enabled on all Wikipedias on June 13. [27]
- An alpha version of the VisualEditor was enabled on all Wikipedias on June 6. Please test it and report problems. [28]
- Several VisualEditor bugs have been fixed; users can now add, edit and remove categories using the editor's "Page settings" menu.
- Wikimedia error messages will no longer link to the #wikipedia IRC channel on Freenode. [29]
- The logo of 16 Wikipedias was changed to version 2.0 in a fourth group of updates. [30]
- A test instance of Wikidata is now available at [31]
- Users can now patrol the first version of a newly created page if they visit it from Special:NewPages or Special:RecentChanges. [32]
- Translation pages will no longer include edit section links (bug #40713). [33]
- Future software changes
- A report on mobile upload errors was published, and software changes to reduce their number will come soon. [34]
- A request for comments on updating MediaWiki to use RDFa version 1.1 was started on (Gerrit change #67608).
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22:02, 11. Jun. 2013 (CEST)
Unterschrift fehlt
Bearbeitenbei Artikel-Kandidat Laguna--Bronstein (Diskussion) 07:08, 12. Jun. 2013 (CEST)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
- Letzte Software-Änderungen
- (Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.)
- Die aktuelle MediaWiki-Version (1.22wmf7) wurde am 13. Juni auf den Testwikis und eingespielt. Sie wird auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Projekten am 17. Juni und auf allen Wikipedias am 20. Juni aktiviert werden. [35]
- Die Narayam- und WebFonts-Erweiterungen wurden am 11. Juni erfolgreich durch den Universal Language Selector ersetzt. [36]
- VisualEditor-Neuigkeiten:
- Der VisualEditor wurde am 14. Juni zeitweise auf allen Wikipedias deaktiviert, da ein Fehler HTML-Code eingefügt hat. Der Fehler wurde behoben und der VisualEditor ist wieder funktionsfähig
- Mit dem VisualEditor können Benutzer nun Bilder und andere Medien aus ihrer lokalen Wikipedia sowie Wikimedia Commons einfügen. [37].
- Der VisualEditor ermöglicht auch das Bearbeiten ein Einzelnachweisen [38]
- Die neue Disambiguator-Erweiterung, welche bisher (in einfacher Form) ein Teil von MediaWiki war, wurde auf den Testwikis aktiviert. Sie ergänzt das magische Wort
, um Begriffsklärungsseiten zu definieren. [39] - Die neu aktivierte Campaigns-Erweiterung ermöglicht den Datenanalysten der Wikimedia Foundation die Erstellung neuer Benutzerkonten zu beobachten, die im Rahmen von Outreach-Kampagnen angelegt wurden.
- Geplante Softwareänderungen
- Der Universal Language Selector wird am 18. Juni aktiviert werden in den Wikipedias auf Katalanisch (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persisch (fa), Finnisch (fi), Norwegisch (Bokmål) (no), Portugiesisch (pt), Ukrainisch (uk), Vietnamesisch (vi), Waray-Waray (war) und Chinesisch (zh). [40]
- Ab dem 18. Juni wird der VisualEditor nach dem Zufallsprinzip bei der Hälfte aller neu erstellen Benutzerkonten auf der englischsprachigen Wikipedia aktiviert, um die Stabilität, Performance und Fähigkeiten zu testen. [41]
- Auf Wikis, auf denen der Universal Language Selector aktiviert ist, stehen zwei neue Webfont-Schriften zur Verfügung: UnifrakturMaguntia und Linux Libertine. [42] [43]
- Bei der Benutzung der Translate-Erweiterung ist nun möglich, die Sidebar zu verstecken, um die Ablenkung zu reduzieren (Bug #45836). [44]
- Ein Link zum kontrollieren (patrol) von bisher nicht kontrollierten Seiten ist nun sichtbar, auch wenn der Benutzer nicht von Special:Neue Seiten oder Special:Letzte Änderungen (Bug 49123) kommt. [45]
- Eine Aufforderung zum Abgabe von Kommentaren (RfC) zur Aktivierung einer neuen Suchmaschine für MediaWiki wurde gestartet.
Die technischen Neuheiten wurden vorbereitet durch die technischen Botschafter und verteilt durch den globalen Nachrichten-Auslieferungsdienst • Beiträge • Übersetzen • Hilfe • Feedback • Abbstellen.
EdwardsBot (Diskussion) 00:22, 17. Jun. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf8) was added to test wikis and on June 20. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 24, and on all Wikipedias on June 27. [46]
- Universal Language Selector was successfully enabled on the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias. [47]
- The new interface for account creation and log–in is now the default on all Wikimedia wikis. The old look is no longer available (bug #46333). [48]
- The TimedMediaHandler extension now supports native FLAC files. A discussion to allow this file type is taking place on Commons (bug #49505). [49]
- After a test period, the Disambiguator extension was enabled on the English Wikipedia on June 18. [50]
- VisualEditor news:
- A VisualEditor bug temporarily made all new accounts unusable. The issue is now fixed and account creation works as before (bug #49727).
- A high importance file insertion bug has been fixed, but the feature does not work perfectly yet. [51]
- It is now possible to synchronise local CSS and JavaScript files with the beta cluster. This should make it easier to test software features before they are enabled on live wikis. [52]
- Future software changes
- The default link to a help page on editing, visible below the editing window, will change on almost 600 Wikimedia wikis and will now link to (bug #45977). [53]
- Universal Language Selector will be enabled on wikis without language versions (such as Wikisource and Wikispecies) on June 25. [54]
- The AbuseFilter extension will allow filtering links and HTML code for page creations. [55]
- The related changes special page will now include upload log entries. [56]
- It will soon be possible to choose the language of SVG files that contain translations. [57]
- MediaWiki will now allow converting audio files from one format to another. [58]
- The Wikidata technical team has started a discussion about how Wikidata can support Wiktionary. [59]
- The search feature on Wikimedia sites is planned to be modified to use Solr on all wikis by the end of 2013. [60]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
20:02, 23. Jun. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf9) was added to test wikis on June 27. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 8, and on all Wikipedias on July 11.
- On Wikisource, the canonical names of the "Index" and "Page" namespaces in the Proofread Page extension are no longer localized (bug #47596). Please check scripts that depend on
. [61] - A JavaScript problem caused the "Versionsgeschichte" and "Abschnitt hinzufügen" tabs in the Vector skin to be moved into the drop-down menu on right-to-left wikis. The issue is now fixed and links are visible as before (bug #50196). [62]
- There was a short site outage on June 28.
- The automated Category:Seiten mit defekten Dateilinks now includes broken file links inserted inside the
<gallery />
tag (bug #50119). [63] - The Nearby feature is now enabled on Commons and shows images in a user's area. [64]
- There is now a special page listing disambiguation pages for wikis that use the Disambiguator extension (bug #44040). [65]
- The old version of the Article feedback tool (version 4) was removed from wikis that still used it. [66]
- VisualEditor news:
- Many bugs that caused text to be removed or damaged have been fixed, including one related to copy-paste (bug #49816).
- VisualEditor now offers a visual interface to edit references.
- In preparation for enabling the VisualEditor on a wider scale, new documentation has been created, including a list of frequently-asked questions and a user guide with many images. Please help with translations.
- Several problems related to overlapping of elements with the VisualEditor toolbar have been fixed (bug #50096, #50159, #50324).
- TemplateData information is now displayed for templates that are added to a page (bug #49778).
- Section edit links now show links to both VisualEditor and the old (source) editor (bug #49666).
- Images are now loaded securely when using HTTPS (bug #43015). [67]
- Future software changes
- VisualEditor will be enabled for all logged-in English Wikipedia users on July 1, and for all users on July 8.
- From July 8, it will be possible to upload WAV and native FLAC files to Commons, and use them directly on wiki pages (bug #49505). [68]
- The Universal Language Selector will be added to the English Wikipedia on July 2, and to remaining wikis on July 9. [69]
- Erratum
- Tech news #26 incorrectly reported that audio transcoding was added to TimedMediaHandler; it was actually statistics about audio transcoding that were added. [70]
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16:17, 1. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- VisualEditor news:
- VisualEditor deployment has been delayed by a week. It is now planned to enable the editor for logged–in editors on chosen Wikipedias on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 29.
- A bug that made it impossible to save VisualEditor edits that triggered a CAPTCHA has been fixed. [71]
- Several bugs that occurred on right–to–left wikis have been fixed last week (bug #49416, bug #49613, bug #50543).
- Uploading files has been restricted on Meta Wiki to administrators and the newly created uploader group. An exemption doctrine policy is being developed (bug #50287). [72]
- Emergency priority CentralNotice banners will always be shown unless users have hidden them, ignoring cookies set for lower priority banners. [73]
Future software changes
- MediaWiki will allow choosing a specific page of a PDF document or a thumbnail of a video file to show up inside the
<gallery />
tag (bug #8480). [74] - It will now be possible to create empty
messages, for instance in order to disable them (bug #50124). [75] - The Nearby feature will soon be enabled on Wikivoyage wikis again. [76]
- The Notifications extension messages will now include a direct link to diffs on wiki as well as in notification e-mails (bug #48183). [77]
- Table of contents will now use the HTML
<div />
element instead of<table />
, fixing a nine–year–old bug #658. [78] - First mock–ups of a mobile Wikidata application have been published by Pragun Bhutani as part of his Google Summer of Code project. [79]
- A discussion on minimum documentation practices in MediaWiki code has been started and awaits comments from the community.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
20:27, 8. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf10) was added to test wikis on July 11. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 15, and on all Wikipedias on July 18. [80]
- The Disambiguator extension was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis on July 9 (bug #50174). To use it, add the
code to disambiguation templates (see example). [81] - The Universal Language Selector was added to all remaining wikis on July 9, finishing the process of replacing the Narayam and WebFonts extensions. [82]
- The CommonsDelinker bot is now on-line and operating again, after a password problem was fixed (bug #51016).
- VisualEditor news:
- According to the schedule, VisualEditor will be available to all users on the English Wikipedia on July 15.
- Users should add TemplateData to templates to prepare for VisualEditor. A tutorial is available.
- Parameters marked as "required" in TemplateData are now auto-added when you add a template (bug #50747).
- Warnings are now displayed in VisualEditor when users edit pages that are protected or have edit notices (bug #50415).
- Many other bugs have been fixed in VisualEditor during the past two weeks.
- The Wikimedia technical report for June has been published, with a summary that can be translated.
Future software changes
- A new version of the Single User Login system for global accounts will be enabled on July 17. Users will now automatically go back to the previous page instead of seeing the "Login success" page with logos. [83]
- The software that resizes images on all wikis will change on July 18. Resizing of big images will be faster and more reliable, and the resolution limit for GIF, PNG and TIFF files (currently set at 50 megapixels) will be removed. [84]
- Edit tags (mostly used by AbuseFilter) will now also be on diff pages. They include a link to Special:Tags before the edit summary. Wikis that use links in tag messages should remove them. [85] [86]
- Global edit filters are currently in testing and will be added to wikis later. [87]
- Wikivoyage wikis will start to use Wikidata for interwiki links on July 22. [88]
- A new image gallery design has been proposed by Brian Wolff; comments and feedback are welcome.
- An IRC discussion about Bugzilla is planned for July 16, at 16:00 (UTC) on the IRC channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [89]
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19:27, 14. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
BearbeitenGuten Morgen nach FFB: Meine Vermutung, dass bei den vorgestrigen Bearbeitungen der IP ein Bezug zu Fürstenfeldbruck besteht, erkennst du aus der Versionsgeschichte des Artikels.
Außerdem handelt es sich dabei vermutlich aber um eine dynamische IP (gestern: die wird täglich (meistens in der Nacht), verschiedentlich sogar öfters, vom Provider neu vergeben (ist dir vernutlich bekannt). Die anonymen Berbeiter sind also leider über die Diskussionsseiten zur IP spätestens am Folgetag nicht mehr so einfach zu erreichen.
Grüße nach FFB:--Bbb (Diskussion) 07:00, 19. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
- Hallo Bbb, ich habs dann im nachverfolgen auch noch gecheckt, wollte den Ansatz aber nicht mehr ändern. Mir geht es hauptsächlich um die Kinder, daher mein dortiges Angebot. Mal schaun, was die Lehrer(in) sagt. Jetzt gehts aber ziemlich ab, bin gerade erst vom ersten Tag Altstadtfest zurückgekommen. Grüße zurück nach München--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 03:10, 20. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf11) was added to test wikis and on July 18. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 25. [90]
- A new version of the Flow Prototype can be tested on Wikimedia Labs. [91]
- VisualEditor news:
- The schedule to add VisualEditor to non-English Wikipedias has been changed: the new editor will be available for logged-in users on the German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hebrew (he), Italian (it), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Russian (ru) and Swedish (sv) Wikipedias on July 24, and for all users on those wikis on July 29. [92]
- A warning is now displayed if an edit made with VisualEditor matches an edit filter (bug #50472).
- SpamBlacklist messages are also supported (bug #50826).
- Users can now edit
blocks (bug #47678). - When a user types text at the end of a link, the link now expands to that text. [93]
- Freely-licensed fonts for the Cree, Inuktitut and Urdu languages were added to Universal Language Selector, fixing bug #42421 and bug #46693.
- A Wikidata search plugin for the Firefox web browser was released by Jeroen De Dauw and can be downloaded from the Mozilla add-ons website.
Future software changes
- The change of the Wikimedia image scaling system from ImageMagick to VipsScaler (announced in the previous issue) has been postponed until bug #51370 is fixed. [94]
- Administrators will no longer see an unblock link for autoblocked IP addresses on the contributions page (bug #46457). [95]
- A request for comments on site-wide CSS was started on [96]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
22:57, 21. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes; not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf12) was added to test wikis and on July 25. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 29, and on all Wikipedias on August 1. [97]
- Wikivoyage was offline for around 40 minutes on July 24. [98]
- Pywikipediabot moved their code from SVN to git; bot owners need to update their tools. [99]
- The Notifications and Thanks extensions were added to Meta-Wiki on July 26; other wikis will get them soon. [100]
- It is now possible to add edit summaries on Wikidata using the API; the feature will be added to user interface soon. [101]
- The software that resizes large PNG images on all wikis was changed on July 25. Resizing of PNG files bigger than 35 megapixels should be faster and more reliable now. [102]
- Three new webfonts (Gentium, Old Persian and Shapour) will be added to Universal Language Selector. [103], [104], [105]
- Special:MIMESearch, which gives a list of files by type, will be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis with MediaWiki version 1.22/wmf12 (bug #13438). [106]
- A mailing list to discuss multimedia features was started; users are encouraged to sign up.
- VisualEditor news:
- On July 24, VisualEditor was added for logged-in users on the German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hebrew (he), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Russian (ru) and Swedish (sv) Wikipedias; it will be added for all users on those wikis on July 29. [107]
- A preference to completely disable VisualEditor while it is in beta phase was added on July 24. [108]
- Many bugs were fixed in right-to-left languages. [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114]
- It is possible again to scroll down in the template editing window (bug #51739).
- VisualEditor now works with the FlaggedRevisions extension. (bug #49699)
- If the user opens VisualEditor using a section edit link, the title of the section is added to the edit summary (bug #50872).
- Invisible templates now can't be deleted by accident or on purpose (bug #51322).
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22:37, 28. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
Klassifizierung - vCard - POI - Admin
BearbeitenHall Gastromartini, zu deinem "Senf" in der Lounge möchte ich hier Stellung nehmen, es waren zum Teil Dinge, die so nicht zusammenpassen.
- VCard-Darstellung und Handhabung hängt an mehreren Dingen. Vielleicht hast du mitbekommen, dass der Vorlagenmaster wochenlang nicht ging, das war aber nicht unser Fehler, wenn die Leute der WMF an den APIs schrauben, achten sie nicht auf jedes Detail. Da war ich froh, mal meine Ruhe von den VCards zu haben.
- POI und VCard. Ein heißes Thema, denn an den POIs hängen (fast) alle anderen Sprachversionen, und die haben zum Teil andere Vorstellungen. So wie es aussieht, können die POIs in die VCard integriert werden. Schön, aber nicht ausgegoren: die "type"-Zuweisungen gehen dann wirklich nur noch mit einer Handvoll Unterarten, keine Unterscheidung zwischen Hotel, Hostel oder Campsite. Sicher nicht in unserem Sinn, du möchtest mehr Varianten, der Programmierer hätte lieber weniger.
- Dann zu den Neuanmeldungen: es sind sehr viele dabei, die mit uns nichts am Hut hatten. Da bearbeitet irgend ein User einer fremden Wikipedia einen Ort in Wikidata, der Ort ist bei uns gelistet, und schon macht uns das System eine Anmeldung. Single User Login sei Dank. Was mir mehr Gedanken macht, ist eine bestimmte Struktur von Benutzernamen, die sich momentan häuft. Könnte auf irgend einen Spam-Bot hinweisen, der vielleicht irgendwann mal loslegt und uns das System vermüllt. Aber das ist eine reine Vermutung.
- Die zentrale Plattform ist zunächst mal die Lounge, witzigerweise auch diese deine Diskussionsseite, wo immer die "Tech News" erscheinen. Solange da an einem Feature ständig Änderungen laufen, lohnt es nicht, eine Hilfeseite zu schreiben, die wäre veraltet, bevor sie im Netz steht. Außerdem steht momentan die Einführung des Visual Editors im Raum, dieses mächtige Werkzeug kann uns viel umkrempeln, werden wir sehen, wenn es da ist. Dann müssen wahrscheinlich viele Hilfeseiten geändert werden. Die Admins haben ja nichts besseres zu tun.
- Eine wichtige Sache für dich: du brauchst bei neuen Seiten keine Interwiki-Links (außer WP und Commons) mehr eintragen, das geschieht über Wikidata, wenn der Ort bereits als geografisches Objekt existiert. Auch so ein Fall: das wurde eingeführt, die nächsten Stufen sind angekündigt, kommt in die Hilfeseiten, sobald diese Stufen erreicht sind.
Soviel zunächst mal zu einigen Details. Im letzten halben Jahr sind so viele Dinge bei uns gelaufen, die wir alleine als Verein gar nicht geschultert hätten, und wir sind immer noch im Umbruch. Dass jemand ungeduldig wird, verstehe ich gut, ich bin es manchmal auch. Ich bin aber neugierig darauf, wo wir in einem Jahr stehen. -- Berthold Mail Talk 08:59, 31. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
- Hallo Berthold. Wir in fast allen Punkten einer Meinung und teilweise habe ich die Diskussion ja verfolgt bzw. mich beteiligt. Ich möchte nur das Augenmerk darauf richten, dass alles sehr zersplittert diskutiert wird und man daher oft nur sehr schwer folgen kann. Zum Thema v-card fallen mir aus dem Stand fünf Orte bzw. Baustellen ein, an denen ab und zu diskutiert wird. Natürlich sind das jeweils separate Aspekte, aber mit bspw. einem Überblick zum aktuellen Sachstand oder einer Art Versionsprotokoll würden wir uns selber helfen, glaube ich.
- Die Tech-News erscheinen hier, weil ich damals den Newsletter bestellt habe. Ich wollte bei späterem Interesse an einzelnen Punkten nicht immer im Lounge-Archiv nachwühlen müssen. Dass sie nur hier erscheinen, fällt mir erst jetzt auf und ist nicht von mir beabsichtigt. Entweder sollten wir von der Lounge aus (?) einen zweiten bestellen oder ich kopiere die jweiligen Ausgaben eben per Hand dorthin (wo sie ja auch hingehören).--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 16:11, 31. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
type-Katalog als Synthese der englischen und deutschen Versionen - Vorschlag
BearbeitenThis is a first approach to integrate the different versions of typecasts in english and german Wikivoyage. First column declares the english-used templates and assign a first number. Second column (CD2) encodes this templates in a deeper structure using second number, which may hit the german-used types, declared here only as examples in column "Beschr./Comments". Column "Title" so far declares a german denomination for the named element. At the end we reach a double-numbered Code-System (01..99), which should cover all possible locations for a wikidata-placed Location(=v-card)-Database.
Regarding programming needs for a Wikidata-effort and on the other hand suspected laziness in contributing to development, this system could integrate existing v-cards or templates as well:
- English templates will be transferred to wikidata using their template code, followed by zero, e.g. sleep=60 (as x0 defined values in the table below then has to slip one number downwards). Growing Importance of the achieved database may bring them to a more accurate classification by theirselves.
- German v-cards uses a wide-ranged, but strict defined catalog of types. Once a migration of information to a wikidatabase would be in sight, they should be very easily transferred to this system by bot. A strict allocation of all german types in relation to this table could be realized short-term.
- As i believe, there are no other templates in use for the moment to define locations in the wiki-family.
- Biggest problem in my eyes is the distinction of "eat" and "drink" in english templates, which could be integrated in a category like "eat&drink" in order to save structure place for other items. This structure place may be necessary, when following discussions after installing such a database may demand a brighter sight of location. Instead, first we should try to install the database itselve out of available informations. Once alive, it should be not such a technical problem to move particular categories.
Das ist ein erster Versuch, die deutsche und englische "Version der v-cards/Templates" auf einen Nenner zu bringen, um die einzelnen englischsprachigen Types der deutschen Version mit den englischen "Templates" in Einklang zu bringen. Hintergrund ist Fussis Versuch, das Projekt endlich bei Wikidata zu platzieren.
Der Vorteil, sich damit auch ohne Seitenblick auf Wikidata zu beschäftigen, wäre, den überbordenden Type-Katalog der deutschen v-card-Version in ein Korsett zu bringen, das deutlich macht, dass es hier um weiterverwertbare, vernünftig kategorisierte Informationen geht und nicht darum, dass jeder Fahrradfan seinen bevorzugten Installateur auf Borneo später wiederfindet.
Um Konflikte möglichst gering zu halten, habe ich mich an der englischen Version als "Aufhänger" orientiert. Außerdem wollte ich ein 1-99 dezimal codierbares Gerüst erreichen, das eine evtl. doch erreichbare Platzierung bei Wikidata erleichtern könnte. Die größten Zahnschmerzen verursacht mir dabei die vielleicht kulturell bedingte Unterscheidung zwischen "eat" und "drink" im englischen Sprachraum, die m.E. besser zusammengefasst wäre zugunsten einer ausführlicheren Unterteilung der Kategorie "see" (wie auch immer).
Farbcode | CD2 | Titel | Beschr./Comments | zu Skelett |
see (=1) | 0 | Sakralbauten | Kirchen, Moscheen, Tempel | Sehenswürdigkeiten |
1 | Profanbauten | Palast, Schloss, Rathaus, Geburtshaus | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
2 | Nutzbauwerke | Brücken, Brunnen, Hafen(als Gesamtheit) | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
3 | Kultur als Bauwerk | Theater, Oper, Bücherei, Sportstätte | Sehenswürdigkeiten, Aktivitäten | |
4 | Museen+Ausstellungen | Museum, Aquarium, Tierpark | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
5 | Gartenanlagen, Park | öftl., gebaute Anlagen | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
6 | Natur=Landschaft | Seen, Gipfel, Landmarks | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
7 | Natur=spez. Attraktion | Aussichtspunkt, Wasserfall, Höhle, Unterwasser | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
8 | Archäologie+Volkskunde | Forum Romanum, Stammesplätze | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
buy (=2) | 0 | Märkte | öfftl. Märkte, Flohmarkt, Markthallen, lokale Einkaufsmöglichkeit | Einkaufen, Küche |
1 | Einkaufszentrum/Supermarkt | Grosse Häuser, in denen es alles gibt von Großverlegern | Einkaufen | |
2 | Geld | Banken, Geldwechsler etc. | Klarkommen | |
3 | Lebensmittel | kleine Geschäfte, Versorgungsstationen | Einkaufen | |
4 | Kunsthandwerk und lokale Spezialitäten | auch Antiquariat | Einkaufen | |
5 | Tourismus | Souvenir, Fotoläden, Badeutensilien | Einkaufen | |
6 | Gebrauchsgegenstände+Gesundheit | Bücher, Sport, Apotheken | Einkaufen, Klarkommen | |
7 | Notfall Reparatur Support | Autowerkstatt, Radshop, Schneiderei, Wäscherei | Einkaufen, Klarkommen | |
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Einkaufen | |
do (=3) | 0 | Wellness | Spa, Bäder, Massage | Aktivitäten |
1 | Wassersport | Baden, Tauchen, Segeln | Aktivitäten | |
2 | Animation | Themenparks, Tiershows, Disneylands | Aktivitäten | |
3 | Luftsport | Paragliding, Balloning, Segelflug | Aktivitäten | |
4 | Naturerfahrung | Wandern, Biking, Quads etc. | Aktivitäten | |
5 | Ortsgebundene Sportarten | Golf, Tennis | Sehenswürdigkeiten | |
6 | Nachtleben | Diskotheken, Clubbing, Flamenco | Nachtleben | |
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Aktivitäten | |
eat (=4) | 0 | Restaurant Gehobene Gastronomie | hochpreisige, intern. oder lokal besondere Küche | Küche |
1 | Restaurant Lokale Gastronomie | Restaurant auf lokal üblicher Preisebene | Küche | |
2 | Snack/Tapas-Bar | Kleinigkeiten oder Fingerfood | Küche | |
3 | Eisiele/sonst. Erfrischungen | lokal einzuschätzen | Küche | |
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Küche | |
drink (=5) | 0 | Bar, Abendlokal | Küche | |
1 | Café | Kuchen+Patiserie | Küche | |
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Küche | |
sleep (=6) | 0 | Luxushotel | Besonderes Hotel gehobener Preisklasse | Unterkunft |
1 | Hotel+Pension | ortsübliche Ausstattung | Unterkunft | |
2 | Apartment/Ferienwohnung | Objekt mit eigener Küche, self-catering, abgeschlossen | Unterkunft | |
3 | Camping | Campsites, Wohnmobilparkplätze | Unterkunft | |
4 | B&B, Low-price | Untermietzimmer, Privatzimmer ohne eigene Küche, Couchsurfing | Unterkunft | |
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte | Jugendherbergen, Schutzhütten, Lager | Unterkunft | |
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Unterkunft | |
go (=7) | 0 | Eigenes Auto | Anfahrtswege, Parkplätze, Rental Station | Mobilität, Anreise |
1 | Flugzeug | Flughafen | Mobilität, Anreise | |
2 | Bus&Tramway | öffentliche Nahverkehrsmittel 1 | Mobilität, Anreise | |
3 | Train&Metro | öffentliche Nahverkehrsmittel 2 | Mobilität, Anreise | |
4 | Taxi+Shuttle Bus | individuell mietbare Nahverkehrsmittel | Mobilität, Anreise | |
5 | Train | Bahn im Fernverkehr | Mobilität, Anreise | |
6 | Fernbus | Bus im Fernverkehr | Mobilität, Anreise | |
7 | Cableway | Seilbahnen, Skilifte dgl. | Mobilität, Anreise | |
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Mobilität, Anreise | |
help (=8) | 0 | Touri-Information+Konsulate | Klarkommen | |
1 | Örtliche Behörden/Polizei | Administration, Police | Klarkommen | |
2 | Gesundheit | Krankenhäuser, Ärzte | Klarkommen | |
3 | Telekommunikation | Post, Internet-Cafés, Wi-Fi-Zones | Klarkommen | |
4 | Bildung/Erziehung | Universität, Sprachkurse, Kochkurse, Schule, Kindergarten | Klarkommen | |
5 | Reiseveranstalter/Tour-Operators | lokale touristische, kommerzeille Unterstützung | Aktivitäten | |
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar | Klarkommen | |
other(?=9)) | 0 | |||
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | Sonstige | nicht zuordnenbar |
NB: Hintergrund ist immer der Versuch, eine dezimale Kodierung der Types zu erreichen. Die Comments sind nur Beispiele, um klarzustellen, was die types repräsentieren können. Das hier immer noch viele Unschärfen vor allem auch in einem sprachübrgreidenden Kulturverständnis begraben sind, ist mir bewusst. Für eine erste Annäherung an eine Katgeorisierung langts aber vielleicht.
Die englischen Texte wurden nachträglich eingefügt, um die Diskussion auf der Wikidata-Seite zu erleichtern. Dort findet der aktuelle Diskussionsprozess statt.--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 03:51, 20. Aug. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The previous version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf13) was added to test wikis and on August 15. It was enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 19, and on all Wikipedias on August 22. [115]
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf14) was added to test wikis and on August 22. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 26, and on all Wikipedias on August 29. [116]
- You can now use new styles of galleries. Please give feedback to User:Bawolff. [117]
- You can now visit a random page in a category, for example Special:RandomInCategory/Science. (25931) [118]
- You can now use the
HTML5 tag to say where a word can be cut. (52468) [119] - Gadget authors: you can now use the
hook, so that your scripts are re-run when a page is changed after thedocument-ready
event (for example using Ajax). (30713) [120]
Problems fixed
- There was a bug where file redirects didn't work when a file was renamed; it is now fixed. There is still an issue with purging, but it should be fixed soon. (52200)
- Wartungslisten provided by special pages will now all be updated on each wiki every six months. This will for example give you recent information on uncategorized pages, unused templates and most wanted pages (see details).
- There was a bug that caused false positives for anti-blanking edit filters; it is now fixed. (52077) [121]
VisualEditor news
- The "edit" and "edit source" tabs and section edit links can now be changed more easily; for example, some wikis are using "edit source" for wikitext editing, and "edit beta" for VisualEditor. You can ask for the same change in bugzilla.
- You can now edit references that are added inside a
block. (51741) - You can now test on new basic tools to add and edit struck text (with the
button for the
tag), lower text (for
), upper text (for
), underlined text (for
), computer code (for
), math text (for
), Egyptian hieroglyphs (for
), and to say that text is in another language (for
lang="ar" dir="rtl"
). (51609, 51612, 51611, 51590, 51610, 52352) - You can now use VisualEditor with the Opera browser. [122]
- Starting on August 26, you will be able to use data from Wikidata on Wikivoyage sites. [123]
- Starting on August 27, you will also get notifications on the mobile site if you're logged in to a wiki using notifications. [124]
- Starting on August 28, all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. Some countries (like China) will not use HTTPS. If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on meta. [125]
- Starting on August 29, you will get the code editor interface to edit JavaScript and CSS pages on all wikis. [126]
- The plan to use Solr for search in MediaWiki was changed; instead, Elasticsearch is now planned. [127]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
21:48, 25. Aug. 2013 (CEST)
nochmals vCard
BearbeitenAntworte dir hierauf deinen Diskussionsbeitrag bei Roland:
Wir schaffem es erst ganz langsam hier bei uns in WV-de, eine Einheitlichkeit in der Verwendung der (nicht neuen) vCards reinzubringen, wobei die Quote der Altlasten mit anders formatierter Adressenangabe noch sehr hoch ist.
Eine erneute grundsätzliche Umdefinition der Adressenangaben irgendeiner Art, z.Bsp. aus Gleichstellung mit anderen Wikis, bringt uns hinsichtlich gleicher Formatierung und hinsichtlich von formatabweichenden Altlasten kurz- und auch mittel- und langfristig sicher nicht vorwärts.
Eine wiki-übergreifende Kategorisierun oder sonstwie einheitliche Formatierung der Adressenanagbane ist außerdem sowieseo erst dann interessant, wenn es dementsprechende Beiträge von den Autoren gibt. Die sehe ich aktuelle eher wenig. Grüße nach FFB: --Bbb (Diskussion) 07:28, 28. Aug. 2013 (CEST)
- Hallo Bbb. Danke, dass zumindest einer wenigstens eine Meinung zum Kern hat. Mein Vorschlag muss gar keine Änderung unserer Types bewirken, genausowenig wie die der englischen. Deshalb habe ich von Synchronisierung gesprochen. Ausgangspunkt war die von Stefan angestoßene Wikidata-Diskussion, die ja für uns schon wichtig ist. Mit dem oben dargestellten 00...99-Katalog könnten lediglich die verschiedenen Ansätze bei Wikidata unter zunächst einigermaßen gleichwertigen Kategorien gespeichert werden.
- Sowohl wir wie die Engländer könnten ihr System vorerst behalten. Wir müssten nur unsere types den Kategorien zuordnen, was, glaube ich, keine besondere Schwierigkeit darstellen würde. Dass ich persönlich den Katalog der bisher bei uns verwendeten types für einen unsäglichen Irrsinn an Mischmasch halte, der noch dazu ganz offensichtlich von bestimmten Interessen beeinflusst wurde (z.B. Radfahrer), hat damit gar nichts zu tun.
- Mit einzelnen Formatierungsmerkmalen hat mein Vorschlag sowieso erstmal nichts zu tun. Ich glaube aber, dass eine Data-bestimmte Diskussion von genaueren Formatierungsvorschriften den Datenobjekten durchaus nützen würde und eine Beteiligung an der dortigen Diskussion zu dem Thema unsere Altlasten schneller erledigen könnte als die oft zähen Gespräche hier. Ein von dir oft und teilw. zu Recht kritisierter Wildwuchs bei Beschreibungen würde sich m.E. von selbst erledigen. Diese (auch urheberrechtlich problematischen) Elemente können kaum noch mehrsprachlich verwaltet werden und daher in den normalen Fließtext zurückverschwinden (was Wildwuchs natürlich noch nicht eliminiert). LG zurück--Gastromartini (Diskussion) 01:36, 29. Aug. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- Special:Listfiles can now display old versions of files a user has uploaded. A new link was also added (Special:AllMyFiles) that gives a list of all files the current user has ever uploaded (that haven't been deleted).
- There is now an Android application to contribute to from mobile devices. [128]
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor now has a new toolbar with drop-down menus for advanced tools. [129]
- Many bugs were fixed, some related to copy-and-paste. [130]
- You can now move references, list of references, templates and other elements with the mouse ("drag-and-drop"). [131]
- You are invited to comment on designs for the interface to add references in VisualEditor.
- Developers are looking for ideas of small technical projects that new developers could work on. Please add your ideas. [132]
- Developers are looking for wikis who would accept to try using secure links (HTTPS) for all users. [133]
- You can join an IRC discussion about "Beta features", a tool to try new features, on October 3. [134]
- You can join an IRC discussion about Flow, the new wiki discussion tool, on October 17.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
21:53, 2. Okt. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now choose which language to show for SVG files that contain several languages, using the "lang" option, like
for the German layer of File:Gerrit patchset 25838 test.svg. - Developers are looking for wiki communities to try the new search system. [135]
VisualEditor news
- You can now create and edit references inside media captions. [136]
- You now need to press the "delete" key twice to delete a template, reference or image; the first time, they only become selected, to avoid accidental deletion of infoboxes and similar content. [137]
- When you resize images, you will now still see them, and their size will also be seen in the center. [138] [139]
- The new notifications system ("Echo") will be added to almost all wikis that don't already have it on October 22. It will notify you of changes and events that affect you. [140]
- MediaWiki 1.22wmf22 was added to test wikis on October 17. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 21 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 24 (calendar).
- The interface to reset your password will soon be changed. [141]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:08, 21. Okt. 2013 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The "Toolbox" section in the site sidebar is now called "Tools" in English. You can do the same in your language by editing the interface text on Someone else may have already done it. [142]
VisualEditor news
- On wikis with VisualEditor, you can now use it on pages in the Datei, Hilfe and Kategorie spaces. [143]
- On October 22 (UTC), an error in the site settings caused
sites (like Meta-Wiki and Commons) to redirect
for a few hours. [144]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf1 was added to test wikis on October 24. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 28 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 31 (calendar).
- In the next days, servers in San Francisco will start providing (cached) content to users located in Oceania. If you are in that area and notice problems, please tell us. [145]
- You will soon be able to test new features easily using the "Beta Features" view. VisualEditor will be in the list on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. Another example is a set of changes in the article text style.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:38, 28. Okt. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- Der Stil und die Farben für Warnboxen, Fehlermeldungen und Erfolgsnachrichten in allen Benutzeroberflächen wurde geändert. [146]
VisualEditor news
- Du wirst in Kürze in der Lage sein, direkt vom Bearbeiten mit dem VisualEditor zum Bearbeiten im wikitext zu wechseln, ohne dass Du die Seite verlassen musst. Du kannst zur Zeit nicht von wikitext zum Visual Editor wechseln, aber die Entwickler hoffen, dass in der Zukunft möglich machen zu können. [147]
- Es gab am 31. Oktober ein Problem während der Aktivierung von MediaWiki 1.22wmf2 auf den Test-Wikis. war auch defekt und wenn Du Probleme hattest, dich einzuloggen, könnte es deswegen gewesen sein.
- Wegen des Problems mit MediaWiki 1.22wmf2 wurde der Kalender geändert. Er wird auf und auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Sites am 4. November und auf allen Wikipedia-Sites am 7. November hinzugefügt.
JavaScript / Gadget-Entwickler
- Due to a recent change, gadgets and user scripts that use jQuery UI should explicitly load the appropriate modules, as they may not be loaded by default. [148]
- Die Entwickler haben begonnen, seit langem veraltete Methoden zu entfernen. Du solltest Deine JavaScript-Konsole (im
-Modus) prüfen und auf Veraltet-Warnungen und deren Stack Trace achten. [149]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:28, 4. Nov. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now use the "Autonym" font of the Universal Language Selector (ULS) to display the name of languages (for example in navigation templates) in their correct script. To do this, add the CSS class
to the elements that include language names. Note that this font only works for the name of languages, not for any other text. [150]
- There was a problem with Parsoid (the program used by VisualEditor to convert wikitext to annotated HTML) on November 4, between 19:40 and 20:40 (UTC). Encoding issues caused non-ASCII characters (including those with diacritics, like "é") to be broken when converted to wikitext and saved to the page. [151]
- The Beta Features tool is now available on Commons and Meta-Wiki. With it, you can test new features before they're added for everyone. The plan is to add this tool to all wikis on November 21. [152]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf3 was added to test wikis on November 7. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 12 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 14 (calendar). [153]
- The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [154]
- The button of the Search page will soon be changed to be blue and bigger (see the difference). [155]
- You will soon be able to add a page name as parameter for
and similar functions, by writing for example{{REVISIONID:Apple}}
. [156] - In the future, when you hide a CentralNotice banner on a wiki, it will also be hidden on other Wikimedia sites. [157]
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13:59, 11. Nov. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- There was a problem caused by too many requests to the database on November 14. [158]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf4 was added to test wikis on November 14. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 19 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 21 (calendar).
- The new Search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added to
, Wikimania and Wikisource wikis on November 19, and Wiktionary wikis on November 21 (except where it's already available). Once it is added, you can test it by adding&srbackend=CirrusSearch
to the address of the search results page. It will become the main search engine on Wikivoyage wikis on November 21. [159] - The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 19 instead of November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [160]
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09:47, 18. Nov. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The Beta Features announced before are now available on all Wikimedia wikis. You can test new features easily by changing your Beta preferences. VisualEditor is one of those features on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. There is also a new media viewer and changes in the article text style. [161]
- Tools developers can now create tools that use the OAuth protocol to connect to accounts on Wikimedia sites. As a user, you can use those tools to make edits and other changes with your account without giving the tool your password. [162]
- Wikis that are currently testing CirrusSearch had problems with search results on November 18 from 16:00 to 20:00 UTC.
- There will be no major code changes on the week of November 25 because many developers will be on holiday for Thanksgiving.
- The editing interface of
pages on Wikisource (working with the Proofread Page extension) will soon also work without JavaScript. [163]
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07:42, 25. Nov. 2013 (CET)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Dieser Newsletter wird nun durch den globalen Nachrichten-Auslieferungsdienst versandt.
Neue Funktionen
- Die CommonsMetadata-Funtion wurde nun zu allen Wikis hinzugefügt. Sie erstellt Metainformationen zu Multimediadateien (z.B. deren Lizenz). Diese Informationen können von Computerprogrammen automatisch verarbeitet werden. Das funktioniert nicht nur für Commons, sondern für alle Wikis und du kannst es verwenden um Metainformationen der Dateien in deinem Wiki mit Template bearbeiten zu erläutern. [164]
- Die JavaScript-Codes die auf den Seiten der Wikimedia verwendet wird, ist nun auf deinem Computer lokal gespeichert um ein schnelleres Laden zu gewährleisten. [165]
- Du kannst nun formatierte Inhalte von externen Quellen (nicht nur als Plain-Text) in den Visuellen Editor kopieren; dies beinhaltet auch das Kopieren und Einfügen aus anderen Visuellen Editor-Fenstern. [166]
- Du kannst nun, ungeachtet deiner Benutzereinstellungen, den Visuellen Editor öffnen indem du
in die Seiten-URL einfügst. [167] - Viele Bugs wurden gefixt und der visuelle Editor sollte nun schneller sein, wenn du zum Beispiel eine Seite speicherst. [168]
- Auf Grund der Probleme wurde die neue Suchfunktion ("CirrusSearch") vor kurzem von den Wikis, in denen es aktiviert war, entfern und wieder eingefügt. [169]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf6 wurde am 5. Dezember zu Test-Wikis hinzugegüft. Am 10. Dezember wird alle nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis erreichen und am 12. Dezember bekommen es alle Wikipedia-Wikis (Kalender).
- Das alte Etherpad-Tool (ersetzt durch eine [ 09:38, 9. Dez. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now see a legend on Special:RecentChanges and Special:Watchlist that explains the symbols used. [170]
- If your wiki is testing the new search tool ("CirrusSearch"), you can now test it by adding "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [171]
- The toolbar is now simpler; all text styles (bold, italics, underline, subscript, etc.) are in the same menu, and the "More" menu is called "Insert". [172]
- You can now use a basic tool to add special characters to your text. You can add more characters (useful in your language) by editing the MediaWiki interface on
- The tool to add and edit mathematical text is now called "formula". [173]
- There was a problem with the "Buch erstellen" tool (Collection); books could only be exported to PDF format. The change has been undone. [174]
- The log-in system for external tools ("OAuth") was broken on wikis that tested the new search tool. It was fixed last week. [175] [176]
- Because of a bug, this newsletter is delivered to users using the new MediaWiki message delivery, and to community pages using the old EdwardsBot. [177]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf7 was added to test wikis on December 12. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 17 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 19 (calendar).
- You will soon be able to select the language of SVG images that have translations using a drop-down menu on the image page. (see example) [178]
- GLAMToolset, a tool to help GLAM groups (like museums) upload many pictures to Commons, will be added to Commons on December 17. [179]
- A Draft namespace will be added to the English Wikipedia to make it easier to create new pages. You will be able to use VisualEditor for drafts if you have enabled it. [180] [181]
- You can read the summary of the technical report for November 2013 to learn more about VisualEditor, Mobile and other features. [182]
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09:24, 16. Dez. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf8) was added to test wikis and on December 19. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on December 31 and on all Wikipedia wikis on January 2, 2014 (calendar).
- You can now test the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") on all Wikisource, Wiktionary and Wikimedia chapter wikis hosted on Foundation servers. Enable "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [183]
- There was a bug where notifications were not sent when the signature of the user leaving the message linked to a translated namespace. The problem was fixed in the software and will soon be fixed on Wikimedia sites. [184] [185]
- You can now use the log-in system for external tools (OAuth) on all Wikimedia wikis that use the unified login. [186]
- If your wiki adds stars or other icons to interwiki links for featured articles in other languages, you may need to change the JavaScript code. [187]
- You can thank other users for their edits even if your browser does not have JavaScript. [188] [189]
- All edits made through Flow, the new discussion system for MediaWiki, are now visible in user's contributions. You can test it on the Flow talk page on [190] [191]
- You can test a visual tool that shows edits made to an article over time. It only works for English Wikipedia pages for now and is slow on long articles. [192]
- You can test the first version of the new mobile Wikipedia app for Android and iOS. [193]
-, the site where you can translate the MediaWiki software, now has a new main page for users without an account. [194]
Future software changes
- There will be no technical changes this week (December 23 to December 29) due to end-of-year holidays.
- When someone deletes, restores, uploads, or moves a file on Commons, pages on all wikis that use that file will be refreshed. [195] [196]
- New users will soon have their user and talk pages added to their watchlist as soon as they create an account. [197] [198].
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will not show the text of versions of a page that have been hidden. [199] [200]
- You will soon be able to see the raw HTML created by some wikitext by using the Special:ExpandTemplates tool. [201] [202]
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09:22, 23. Dez. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now see the text of DjVu and PDF files in search results on wikis testing the new search tool (CirrusSearch). [203] [204]
- With the new version of the Wikibase DataModel extension, you can install it outside Wikimedia wikis. [205]
VisualEditor news
- Images are now shown inside VisualEditor as HTML5
<figure />
elements. Comments are welcome. [206] - You can now test a basic version of VisualEditor on mobile devices; see this article as an example.
- On December 23, Wikimedia Labs was broken for 4 hours due to an NFS problem. [207]
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be added as the second search method for Spanish (es), French (fr), Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru) wikis on December 30. Wikimedia Commons, Wikispecies and Wikinews users will also be able to enable it in their Beta Features options.
- AbuseFilter log entries will be visible in CheckUser tool reports. [208] [209]
- It will soon be possible to search for log entries done by users without an account. [210] [211]
- It will no longer be possible to globally hide users with more than 1,000 edits. [212] [213]
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09:40, 30. Dez. 2013 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf9) was added to test wikis and on January 2. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on January 7 and on all Wikipedia wikis on January 9 (calendar).
- The old note-taking site (Etherpad) was removed on December 30, 2013. You can see most of the documents on the new site. [214]
- On January 2, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and all Wikivoyage projects were broken for 2 hours due to language cache update issues.
- On the same day, it was not possible to edit most wikis for about 30 minutes, due to a database replication problem.
Future software changes
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added as the default search method for Italian Wikipedia, French Wikisource, Wikidata and all Wikivoyage sites, and as a second search method for the German Wikipedia and all Wikibooks sites on January 6. [215]
- Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian Wikipedia users will also be able to enable CirrusSearch in their Beta Features options. [216]
- Plural form rules for some languages will be changed. Many translations of the user interface for Belarusian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and other languages will need to be changed. [217] [218] [219]
- You will see a warning when you try to delete a page linked to from other pages. [220] [221]
- You will be able to hide redirect pages on the list of protected pages. [222] [223]
- You will be able to use keyboard shortcuts in the Translate tool, by pressing Alt+1 and similar key groups. [224] [225]
- E-mails sent by MediaWiki will include the name of the site in their
line. You will be able to change this name on your wiki by editing theMediaWiki:Emailsender
page. [226] [227] - Images viewed in the Beta Features media viewer will load faster. [228] [229]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:35, 6. Jan. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
You can read a recent blog post about how Tech News is put together, translated and sent to you across wikis each week.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf10) was added to test wikis and on January 9. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on January 14, and all Wikipedia wikis on January 16 (calendar).
- Searching in the
namespace on Wikimedia Commons may be slow due to a search engine issue. [230]
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor will be added for all users on several Wikipedias on January 13. [231]
- You can now add and remove
in the page metadata menu. [232] [233] [234]
- For a few hours on January 6, it was not possible to edit pages using the Translate tool on Wikimedia Commons and the Wikimania 2013 wiki, due to a settings error. [235] [236]
- For about 20 minutes on January 9, there were problems with CSS and JavaScript due to high server load.
Future software changes
- Wikidata will be added to all Wikisource wikis on January 14. [237]
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added as the second search method for the English Wikipedia on January 13. On Wikibooks and the German Wikipedia, you will also be able to test it by adding it in your Beta Features options.
- You will soon be able to export page collections into other formats than PDF. [238]
- It will soon be possible to upload groups of photos from Flickr using UploadWizard. [239] [240]
- The Wikimedia Foundation has shared a multimedia vision for 2016. You are invited to comment. [241]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:33, 13. Jan. 2014 (CET)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Kürzliche Software-Änderungen
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf11) was added to test wikis and on January 16. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on January 28, and all Wikipedia wikis on January 30 (calendar).
- You can now see relatively recent results on special pages like Special:DoubleRedirects, Special:UncategorizedPages or Special:WantedCategories. They were disabled before because they were very slow. The results are now updated once a month. [242]
- As of January 16, you can make and use guided tours on the Asturian, Farsi and Russian Wikipedias. If you want this tool on your wiki, you need to translate it and ask in Bugzilla. [243] [244]
- You can give comments on an idea to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. [245]
- In diesem Video kannst Du lernen, wie Du in Bugzilla Fehlermeldungen erstellst. [246]
Neuigkeiten zum VisualEditor
- In the toolbar, the menu to edit the styles (like bold, italic, etc.) now has a down arrow (
). The order of the Insert menu has also changed a little.
- Du kannst die
<gallery />
Tags jetzt mit einem sehr einfachen Tool bearbeiten. [247] - Du kannst jetzt im Seitenmenü eine Hilfeseite zu den Tasten-Abkürzungen aufrufen. [248]
- Wenn Du die Kategorien änderst, siehst Du diese jetzt sobald Du die Seite speicherst. [249]
- When you edit templates, you will now see the parameters in the right order. The ones that you must add have a star (*). [250] [251]
- The page will now be saved faster, thanks to a new way of coding the text that sends 40% less text to the servers. [252]
- Your wiki can ask to test a new tool to edit TemplateData. [253]
- Es gab zwischen dem 6. und dem 14. Januar Probleme mit der Suche. Neue Seiten und Änderungen wurden in den Suchergebnissen nicht verzeichnet. [254]
- There were "pool timeouts" errors on several wikis on January 13; it was caused by a code change that was made to fix another problem. [255]
- On January 17, Bugzilla and Wikimedia Labs were broken for about 20 minutes due to network problems. IRC channels with recent changes ( were broken for about two hours. [256]
Geplante Softwareänderungen

- If you have removed JavaScript in your web browser, you will soon be able to see the orange bar saying that you have new messages. If you have changed how the bar looks with a gadget, you may need to change the gadget again. [257] [258]
- You will soon be able to add a given Flickr user to a blacklist so that their files can't be uploaded using UploadWizard on Wikimedia Commons and other wikis. [259]
- Du erhältst eine Warnung, wenn Du versuchst eine Seite zu löschen, die auf mindestens einer anderen Seite verwendet wird. [260]
- You will so longer see disambiguation pages in Special:LonelyPages. [261] [262]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:21, 20. Jan. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- Pages from Wikimedia sites now load faster in your browser thanks to "module storage", a way for your browser to save data like JavaScript and CSS on your computer to avoid downloading them again. See video. [263]
- The code used to show videos has changed. You should be able to play the video on the page, with the play button on top of the video. If you see the play button on the right of the video, or if clicking on the video leads you to the original file, please file a bug or tell User:Bawolff. [264]
- The
page will be removed because it's too slow. [265] - The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf11) was added to test wikis and on January 16. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on January 28, and all Wikipedia wikis on January 30 (calendar).
- On January 21, Universal Language Selector was turned off on all Wikimedia sites because it makes pages load slowly. If you want to use web fonts, or write in scripts that aren't on your keyboard, you need to add it as an option in your preferences. It will be turned back on when the issues are resolved. [266]
- For about 20 minutes on the same day, there were problems with CSS and JavaScript due to high server load.
Future software changes
- You can give comments about the new version of "Winter", a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. [267]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:46, 27. Jan. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf12) was added to test wikis and on January 30. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 4, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 6 (calendar).
- Global AbuseFilter rules are now active on all small wikis. [268] [269]
- The buttons used in pages like log-in, account creation and search are now using the same colors and styles. [270] [271]
- You can now link to diffs using
and similar links. [272] - There is no longer an option to hide tables of contents on all pages. [273]
- Searching in the
namespace on Wikimedia Commons is now faster, after a bug was fixed on January 29. [274] - All Wikimedia wikis now have high-resolution favicons. [275]
VisualEditor news
- You can now see a list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl+/ inside VisualEditor. [276]
Future software changes
- Edits and files hidden with the Oversight tool will be moved to the RevisionDelete system. The Oversight tool will then be removed from Wikimedia wikis. [277] [278] [279]
- For languages where not all sister projects exist, you will be able to link to other language projects using double interwikis (
, etc.). [280] - It will soon be possible to use the GettingStarted tool on other wikis than the English Wikipedia. You can translate it on [281]
- You will soon be able to include the Special:Contributions page into other pages. [282]
- You will be able to see where a file is used inside MultimediaViewer, the new tool for viewing media files. [283] [284]
- It will soon be possible to send MassMessage messages using the API. [285]
- You will soon see audio statistics on the Special:TimedMediaHandler page. [286]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:30, 3. Feb. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf13) was added to test wikis and on February 6. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 11, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 13 (calendar).
- The Vector search box was changed to fix old display and accessibility issues; for example, you can now use full-text search even if you have disabled JavaScript. Please report any problems you see. The option to disable the "simplified search bar" on Vector will also be removed. [287] [288] [289] [290] [291]
- You are now notified when someone adds a link to your user page on wikis where it didn't work before (wikis with dates in the year-month-day order, including Hungarian, Japanese, Korean and some variants of Chinese). [292]
VisualEditor news
- You can now set media items' alt text and position, and directly set their size, in the media tool. [293] [294]
- The gallery tool was improved and several issues were fixed. [295] [296] [297]
- On February 3, all wikis were broken for about an hour due to a traffic balancing issue. [298]
- On February 6, some wikis were broken for about half an hour in total due to a problem with the Math extension.
Future software changes
- Some methods from Scribunto's mw.message library will be removed after February 18. If you use them in your templates or modules, please check to make sure that things will not break. [299] [300]
- You will soon be able to use GettingStarted on 23 new Wikipedias. It helps new users by listing possible tasks and giving help. The new version was also added to the English Wikipedia on February 7th. [301]
- You will soon see results from other wikis when you use the new search tool (CirrusSearch). [302] [303]
- The WikiLove tool was redesigned and should also load faster. [304]
- Edits made with WikiLove or after a GettingStarted suggestion will be tagged. [305] [306]
- It will soon no longer be possible to hide section editing links in your preferences. [307]
- You will soon be able to use the revision deletion feature via the API. [308]
- You will soon be able to choose mobile view on non-mobile devices using a Beta Feature option. [309] [310]
- If you have questions about Universal Language Selector, you can join an IRC meeting on February 12 at 17:00 UTC, in the #wikimedia-office channel on Freenode. [311]
- Developers are preparing for Google Summer of Code 2014. You can propose ideas. [312]
- will be updated this week. You won't be able to access it from 22:00 UTC on February 12 until 01:00 UTC on February 13 at the latest. [313]
- The
tag will be renamed to<lines>
. The old tag will still work. [314]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:30, 10. Feb. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf14) was added to test wikis and on February 13. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 18, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 20 (calendar).
- You can now use the list of active users again. [315] [316]
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) now gives more importance to content namespaces if you search in several namespaces. [317]
- You can now directly link to files viewed with MultimediaViewer, the new tool for viewing media files. [318]
- You can read the summary of the Wikimedia technical report for January 2014. [319]
- On February 9, Wikimedia Labs was broken for about 2 hours due to an XFS file system problem. [320]
- On February 11, there were problems with VisualEditor for about 20 minutes due to a server logging issue. [321]
- On the same day, for about 20 minutes there were issues with page loading due to database problems.
- There were issues with page loading between 21:00 UTC on February 13 and 11:00 UTC on February 14 for users in Europe. It was due to a cache server problem.
- On February 14, all sites were broken for about 15 minutes for users in Southeast Asia, Oceania and the western part of North America. It was due to problems with cache servers.
VisualEditor news
- The link tool now tells you when you're linking to a disambiguation or redirect page. [322]
- You can now change image display (like thumbnail, frame and frameless) with VisualEditor. [323]
- Wikitext warnings will now hide when you remove wikitext from paragraphs you are editing. [324]
- You will soon be able to create and edit redirect pages with VisualEditor. [325] [326] [327]
09:38, 17. Feb. 2014 (CET)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Kürzliche Software-Änderungen
- Die aktuelle MediaWiki-Version (1.23wmf15) wurde am 20. Februar auf den Testwikis und eingespielt. Sie wird auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Projekten am 25. Februar und auf allen Wikipedias am 27. Februar aktiviert werden (Kalender).
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) was added to the Italian Wikiquote and all Wikiversity projects. Users can now enable it in their Beta options. [328] [329]
- The Universal Language Selector was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis again. You can enable web fonts in your ULS options (see how).
Neuigkeiten zum VisualEditor
- You will soon be able to add and edit
in the page settings menu. [330] [331] [332] - You will soon be able to use the Ctrl+Alt+S or ⌘+Opt+S shortcuts to open the save window in VisualEditor. [333] [334]
- You will soon be able to preview your edit summary when checking your changes in the save window. [335] [336]
Geplante Softwareänderungen
- You will soon be able to use the
tag again. [337] - You will soon be able to post messages with the MassMessage tool in all namespaces. [338] [339]
- Notifications will soon work in all namespaces. [340][341][342]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:18, 24. Feb. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf16) was added to test wikis and on February 27. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 4, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 6 (calendar).
- When users enable web fonts by default, Universal Language Selector will now log if they don't have fonts to display pages correctly. This information will be used by developers to improve font support in the future. Read more about missing fonts. [343]
- You can now use Guided tours on the Czech and Japanese Wikipedia. If you want this tool on your wiki, you need to translate it and ask in Bugzilla. [344] [345]
- You can now use information from Wikidata in all Wikisource wikis. [346]
- The multimedia team is now posting weekly updates on their mailing list. [347]
VisualEditor news
- You can now change image size to default for your wiki. If you add new images to pages, they will also be default size. [348] [349] [350]
- If you switch from VisualEditor to wikitext editing, your edit will now be tagged. [351]
- Template parameters now have a bigger, auto-sizing input box for easier editing. [352]
- VisualEditor now has Arabic, Finnish and Kölsch icons for text styling. If you want icons for your language, ask in Bugzilla. [353] [354] [355]
Future software changes
- The new tool for viewing media files will soon show a progress bar and a thumbnail while loading full images. [356] [357]
- You will soon be able to make user contributions show only page creations. [358] [359]
- Article Feedback Tool will be removed from the English and French Wikipedias on March 3. It will also no longer be possible to add this tool to any Wikimedia wiki. [360] [361]
- Wikis using the new search tool will come back to the old tool for a few hours starting at 00:00 UTC on March 6. [362]
- For about an hour on February 23, there were problems with page loading due to a MediaWiki bug. [363]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:30, 3. Mär. 2014 (CET)
Bearbeitung Costa de la Luz
BearbeitenHi Gastromartin!
Habe mal über die Artikel Medina-Sidonia und Vejer drüber geschaut. Super Arbeit! Ein paar Kleinigkeiten habe ich ergänzt, werde da weitermachen, soweit es meine Zeit erlaubt. Örtlich habe habe ich den "Naturpark bei C. de Meca" zum "Naturpark La Breña zw. Barbate und C. de la M." gemacht. Bei Medina hab ich aus der "Settimana Santa" die "Semana Santa (Karwoche) gemacht.
Zum Thema Bilder:
Ich denke in Conil fehlt einfach ein Bild vom Leuchtturm am Hafen über die Bucht!?! Habe keins, werde die Tage eins machen.
Vejer: Habe da ein Bild vom Denkmal der Frau mit der Cobijada. Da das ein Wahrzeichen mit starkem historischen Hintergrund ist, sollte man es einfügen. Was denkst Du? Vom Plaza España habe ich weitere Bilder. Ich lade die die Tage mal in die Media.
Novo Sancti Petri: Da würde ich gerne das Bild "vom Süden her" gegen ein Bild austauschen, das vom Hotel Barcelo aus(dein Motiv) über ganz Novo geht. Bild muss ich aber auch noch machen.
Allgemein: Wenn Du in deiner weiteren Bearbeitung ein Bild gerne einfügen würdest aber kein Bild hast: Schreib mir deinen Motivwunsch, irgendwann mach ich das.
Zum Thema Struktur:
Ich denke das wir touristisch relevante Stadtteile dann mit einem eigenen Artikel erläutern sollten, wenn sie eine grössere touristische Relevanz haben als die eigentliche Gemeinde. Wie Novo Sancti Petri in Chiclana. Das gälte auch für Zahara de los Atunes und Caños de Meca, die zum touristisch weniger interessanten Barbate gehören. Roche (Conil) und El Palmar (Vejer)sollte man hingegen in die Stadtartikel einarbeiten.
Zum Thema Ausflüge:
Da diese Wiki auch in Printform hilfreich sein soll, sollten Ausflugsziele auch in der weiteren Umgebung zumindest in den Ortschaften Novo, Conil und Rota/Costa Ballena (Eventuell noch Zahara und Caños) erwähnt werden. Das sind Ziele die zunächst wegen des Bettenkontigentes und des Strandes besucht werden. Vielen Besuchern wären da Tipps hilreich.
Liebe Grüsse Hg-cadiz
- Hi Hg-cadiz, mit Struktur meinte ich, dass ich ungefragt den von dir angelegten Artikel in das allgemeine WV-Format übertragen habe und wollte das nicht "heimlich" tun. Ansonsten bin ich ganz deiner Meinung. Ich wollte als Artikel anlegen bzw. ausarbeiten:
- El Palmar
- Zahara de los Atunes (mit Verweis auf den Strand von Canos de Meca)
- den Naturpark (mit Verweis auf angrenzendes Barbate, Zahara, Canos de Meca)
- Barbate na ja, wenn mal Zeit ist, sollte aus Vollständigkeitsgründen sein. (M.W. findez dort immer noch der Schwerpunkt des Thunfischspektakels statt)
- Um Cadiz fehlt jedenfalls noch El Puerto de Santa Maria sowie Rota mit seinen nördlichen Stränden, ebtl. separat der Naturpark Bahia de Cádiz. Auch Arcos und die weißen Dörfer der Grazalema schauen sehr stiefmütterlich aus, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Ich arbeite mich halt so schnell vor, wie es meine Zeit erlaubt...
- Was mir sehr am Herzen liegt, ist ein Aufmörteln der Mutterseite Costa de la Luz, die bisher kaum mehr als eine Ortssammlung ist. Hier fehlt mir besonders ein Abschnitt oder gleich ein Themenartikel Kulinarische Spezialitäten, auf die man in den Abschnitten "Küche" der Ortsartikel verweisen könnte. Es gibt so was schon, ist aber gerade mal ein lächerlicher Link auf das Rezepte-Wiki mit zwei Einträgen. Genauso wäre eine Themenseite schön, die die allgemeinen Feiertage (San Anton, Cruzes de Mayo, Karneval, Settimana Santa etc. beschreibt)
- der Leuchtturm von Conil Cabo Roche und die Buchten darunter sind mein absoluter Lieblingsplatz in Andalusien. Wohl deshalb habe ich viele Fotos von dort aus gemacht, aber scheinbar keines von ihm selbst.
- Liebe Grüße --Gastromartini (Diskussion) 00:25, 4. Mär. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf17) was added to test wikis and on March 6. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 11, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 13 (calendar).
- You can now use the new search tool (CirrusSearch) on all Wikiquote projects. You can now enable it in your Beta options. [364] [365]
VisualEditor news
- It is now easier to edit templates. Complex tools are now in the "advanced" mode. [366] [367]
- It is also easier to edit images. You now have more options and they are explained better. [368]
- VisualEditor adds fake blank lines so you can put your cursor there. They are now smaller and animated to be different from actual blank lines. [369]
- We have improved the tool to add special characters. The buttons are now larger. More changes are coming. [370]
- You can now use new keyboard shortcuts to undo the last action, clear formatting, and show the shortcut help window. [371] [372] [373]
Future software changes
- You will soon be able to use a Beta option to show a shorter list of language links. That way, Universal Language Selector will only show languages that are relevant to you. You will still be able to search for other languages. [374]
- CirrusSearch will soon automatically index newly imported pages. [375] [376]
- It will soon be possible to use CSS to style buttons in templates on all Wikimedia wikis, without needing JavaScript. [377]
- An IRC discussion with the Wikimedia Foundation Language Engineering team will take place on March 12 at 17:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [378]
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10:10, 10. Mär. 2014 (CET)
Natur- und Nationalparks in Spanien - genauer Andalusien
BearbeitenGuten Morgen Gastromartini,
ich habe das Gefühl, dass unser spanischer Bestand in letzter Zeit riesige Schritte macht. Dir auch vielen Dank dafür! Ich hoffe, ich kann die Reiseführer dann im Sommer 2015 nutzen. :)
Da du gerade dabei bist die Naturparks zu erstellen, habe ich mir erneut die Themenreiseführer "Thema:Naturparks in Deutschland|Naturparks in Deutschland" und "Thema:Nationalparks|Nationalparks" durchgelesen. Bei letzterem steht für Spanien nur einer drin. Würdest du die anderen Nationalparks auch eintragen?
Ebenfalls ein größeres Projekt wäre die Erstellung einer Themenseite "Thema:Naturparks in Spanien|Naturparks in Spanien". Das würde gut in unsere Kategorisierung/Geografische Hierarchie passen. Würdest du dir das zutrauen? Ich helfe dir gerne bei ein paar Sachen, habe allerdings noch keine Ortskenntnis.
Viele Grüße, Timmaexx (Diskussion) 09:57, 13. Mär. 2014 (CET)
- Hallo Tim, die Nationalparks bearbeite ich eher by the way und widme ihnen dort eine eigene Seite, wo einzelne Orte alleine in ihrer Bedeutung zu gering sind für ganze Artikel. Das Auffüllen der Nationalparkseite ist kein Problem, jedenfalls betreffend Andalusien(da habe ich die Mehrzahl selbst gesehen). Von Restspanien kenne ich aber nur Madrid und Barcelona, hier würde es nur für ein Grundgerüst reichen. Das kann ich natürlich schon erstellen. Grüße --Gastromartini (Diskussion) 23:52, 13. Mär. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf18) was added to test wikis and on March 13. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 18, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 20 (calendar).
- You can now view smaller versions of PNG images bigger than 20 megapixels. [379]
- You can now use the new search tool (CirrusSearch) on all small wikis. You can now enable it in your Beta options. [380] [381]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for February 2014. [382]
VisualEditor news
- Searching for template parameters in now case-insensitive. [383] [384]
- Required template parameters now have an asterisk (*) next to their edit boxes. [385]
- Several template dialogs are now smaller, and their insert buttons have changed wording. [386]
Future software changes
- You will soon see an error message if you try to log-in or register with an invalid or taken username. [387]
- You can now test first version of a tool that includes OpenStreetMap maps inside the UploadWizard. Comments are welcome. [388]
- You will soon be able to use the Hovercards tool as a beta feature. [389]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
08:14, 17. Mär. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf19) was added to test wikis and on March 20. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 25, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 27 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- You can now double-click or press the ↲ Enter key on an image or template to change its settings. [391] [392]
- Pages that don't exist will now show as red links in the edit mode. [393]
- You will no longer be able to try to use VisualEditor on pages translated using the Translate extension, and you will see a warning if you try to edit pages marked for translation. [394]
- You will now see a full warning, including the most recent log entry, when you try to edit protected pages with VisualEditor. [395]
Future software changes
- Typography Refresh will be enabled for test wiki and users who use the Vector skin on March 27. For users on non-Wikipedia wikis, it will be enabled on April 1, and for Wikipedia users on April 3. If you don't use Vector as your skin, you will not be affected.
- You will be able to use the Hovercards tool as a beta feature on all wikis from March 26.
- You will soon be able to include the Whatlinkshere special page in other pages. [396] [397]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
19:56, 24. Mär. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf20) was added to test wikis and on March 27. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 1, and all Wikipedia wikis on April 3 (calendar).
- Typography Refresh was added to test wikis and on March 27. You'll only see it if you use the Vector skin. For users on non-Wikipedia wikis, it will be enabled on April 1, and for Wikipedia users on April 3.
- CirrusSearch, the new search tool, was enabled as a beta feature on over 30 new wikis on March 27. [398] [399]
VisualEditor news
- Blocked users now see the same messages in VisualEditor as in the wikitext editor. [400] [401]
- The search box for re-using a reference in VisualEditor is now cleared after each use. [402]
- New links on sub-pages no longer point to the wrong location in VisualEditor. [403]
- VisualEditor's media dialog no longer breaks when opening some types of images. [404]
Future software changes
- You will not be able to use the Wikitech wiki for a short period around 16:00 UTC on April 1 due to a server change. [405]
- CirrusSearch will become the main search engine for all non-Wikipedia wikis except Commons, Meta and Incubator on April 2.
- You will soon be able to use a new special page listing duplicate files. [406]
- Deleting a version of a file or a version of its description page will soon be shown differently in the logs. [407]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:20, 31. Mär. 2014 (CEST)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Kürzliche Software-Änderungen
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf21) was scheduled to be deployed to test wikis and on April 3, however it was temporarily put on hold due to localization issues. (calendar).
- Typography Refresh was enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on April 1, and on all Wikipedias on April 3. You'll only see it if you use the Vector skin.
- CirrusSearch was enabled as the primary search method on over 400 non-Wikipedia wikis on April 2. [408]
Geplante Softwareänderungen
- A new special page (Special:TrackingCategories) will soon list all the tracking categories on a wiki. [409] [410]
- All Wikiquote projects will start using language links from Wikidata on April 8. [411]
- The Hovercards feature will soon work with right-to-left languages. [412] [413]
- You will soon be able to download files directly from MediaViewer, the new multimedia tool. [414]
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on on April 10. Comments are welcome.
- You can help check that users can read CAPTCHAs in your language. [415]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:00, 7. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
We are looking for contributors to help write new issues every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf22) was added to test wikis and on April 10. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 15, and all Wikipedias on April 17 (calendar).
- MediaViewer was enabled for all users on on April 10. It will be enabled for all users on the Catalan (ca), Hungarian (hu) and Korean (ko) Wikipedias and English Wikivoyage on April 17. Comments are welcome. [416] [417] [418]
- Font issues caused by Typography refresh for Windows users were fixed on April 7. [419] [420]
VisualEditor news
- You will now see only three options when you try to add a template parameter in VisualEditor; you will see other options after a click. [421]
- The size changing controls in VisualEditor media editing dialog were simplified further.
- The wikitext editor tab will now fold into a drop-down menu in the Vector skin if there is not enough space on your screen. [422] [423]
Future software changes
- The font used for body text on Wikimedia wikis will change to your system default sans-serif font. This temporary change will be enabled on all non-Wikipedia wikis on April 15, and on all Wikipedias on April 17. [424] [425]
- Files from Commons seen on another wiki will soon have a tab saying "View on Wikimedia Commons". The create tab will change to "Add local description" (see screenshot). [426]
- You will soon be able to hide Notification and Hovercards pop-ups by pressing the Esc key. [427] [428] [429] [430]
- Shorter lists of language links will soon work in right-to-left languages. Languages that you have used before will be shown in the list. [431]
- You will soon be able to send messages with the MassMessage tool to all pages in a given category. [432] [433]
- The date format user preference will soon be moved to the appearance tab. [434] [435]
- An IRC discussion with the Wikimedia Foundation Multimedia team will take place on April 16 at 18:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [436]
- Wikimedia Foundation servers were updated after a security bug called Heartbleed was discovered last week. You should change your password as an extra precaution. [437]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:17, 14. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- You can now subscribe to an Atom or RSS feed to read Tech News in your news aggregator. The newsletter will now also show on the English Planet Wikimedia every Monday. [438]
- We are looking for contributors to help write a new issue every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf1) was added to test wikis and on April 17. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 22, and all Wikipedias on April 24 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was enabled as a beta feature on 27 new wikis on April 18. [439] [440]
- Problems with various fonts in SVG files were fixed last week. Files that use DejaVu Sans Condensed, DejaVu Serif Condensed, DejaVu Sans Light, Kochi Gothic and Kochi Mincho fonts now show correctly. [441] [442] [443] [444]
- The page view statistics site developed by Henrik ( should now work faster. [445]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for March 2014. [446]
VisualEditor news
- If you try to add a category which redirects to another category, VisualEditor will now suggest adding the target category directly. [447] [448]
- VisualEditor tabs will no longer appear on Education Program pages. [449] [450]
- You can now use VisualEditor on Meta-Wiki and the French Wikinews by enabling it in your preferences. [451] [452] [453]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the Czech (cs), Estonian (et), Finnish (fi), Hebrew (he), Polish (pl), Romanian (ro), Slovak (sk), Thai (th) and Vietnamese (vi) Wikipedias on April 24. Feedback is welcome. [454]
- Edits by anonymous users will now be marked with a new CSS class (
). This way, you can easily make those edits use a different color, font or background. [455] [456] - The user preference to remember login will soon be removed from all wikis. The edit review preferences will be moved to the recent changes tab, and the preference for the WikiLove tool will be moved to the editing tab. [457] [458] [459] [460]
- You will soon be able to give parameters to preloaded templates. [461] [462]
- You will soon be able to use CodeEditor in read-only mode on pages that you cannot edit. [463] [464]
- It is now proposed to replace Bugzilla, Gerrit and other tools by a single tool called Phabricator. You can test Phabricator and add your opinion on [465]
- An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on April 22 at 03:30 AM UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [466]
- For about 40 minutes on April 17, there were problems with page loading due to high server load.
- There is a problem with the rendering of formulas with MathJax. If you enabled MathJax in your preferences, you might need to turn it off and on again. [467]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:34, 21. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf2) was added to test wikis and on April 24. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 29, and all Wikipedias on May 1 (calendar).
- You can now use interwiki prefix
to link to pages on Wikimedia Commons. [468]
VisualEditor news
- You will soon be able to set content language and direction with VisualEditor. [469]
- VisualEditor now works on all Wikipedias after broken
pages (and similar) were fixed last week. [470] - VisualEditor dialogs now use an animation of moving lines rather than animated GIF images.
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as a beta feature on 41 new wikis, including Meta-Wiki and the Swedish (sv), Russian (ru), Polish (pl), Japanese (ja) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias next week. This change means that CirrusSearch will now be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis.
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the French (fr) and Dutch (nl) Wikipedias on May 1. Feedback is welcome. [471]
- The mobile version of Wikimedia wikis will soon include filters to limit the number of uploaded files that are copyright violations. [472]
- CodeEditor will soon have a status bar about errors and warnings. [473] [474]
- You can test a new version of Winter, a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. Comments are welcome. [475]
- For about 30 minutes on April 21, there were problems with image scaling due to a high server load. [476] [477]
- On April 22, it was not possible to use the Collection extension for about 90 minutes due to a server move. [478] [479]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:22, 28. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf3) was added to test wikis and on May 1. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 6, and all Wikipedias on May 8 (calendar).
- The Compact Personal Bar was added as a beta feature to test wikis and on May 1. It will be added as a beta feature to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 6, and to all Wikipedias on May 8. To test it, you can enable it now in your preferences on [480]
- It is now easier to disable the CodeEditor tool. [481]
VisualEditor news
- External links in VisualEditor are now in the same light blue color as in MediaWiki. [482]
- The template tool now tells you if a parameter is obsolete. [483]
- You can now add "suggested" parameters in TemplateData; VisualEditor will add them like required ones. [484]
- There is a new type for TemplateData parameters:
for file names. [485][486] - Editing formulae in VisualEditor will soon be enabled for all users. [487] [488]
- You will soon be able to try a new beta feature to edit text in another language. [489] [490]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the Japanese (ja), Portuguese (pt), Spanish (es), Swedish (sv) and Telugu (te) Wikipedias on May 8. Feedback is welcome. [491]
- You can help translate about 100 new language names that have been added to our data source. They are used, for example, as hover text for interwiki links. Send an e-mail to Nemo if you want to help.
- If you click on a redirect page in your watchlist, you will soon access the redirect itself. [492] [493]
- For about 40 minutes around 00:20 UTC on April 29, there were problems with page loading due to high server load.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:29, 5. Mai 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf4) was added to test wikis and on May 8. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 13, and all Wikipedias on May 15 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- A new citation system in VisualEditor was enabled on the English Wikipedia. It will soon be enabled on more wikis. [494]
- Templates that were previously broken in VisualEditor should now appear correctly. [495]
Future software changes
- It will soon be possible to move category description pages. Pages in changed categories will still have to be moved independently. [496] [497]
- You will soon be able to clear your watchlist with one click or through the API. [498] [499] [500] [501]
- You will soon be able to link to Flow posts and workflows with
. [502] [503] - The jQuery JavaScript library will soon be updated. Please check that your gadgets and scripts will still work. [504]
- The Vector skin will work faster, as the sidebar will no longer collapse partly after being loaded. [505] [506] [507]
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on Wikimedia Commons on May 15. Feedback is welcome.
- An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on May 14 at 18:00 UTC on the channel
on freenode (time conversion). [508] - Toolserver tools will be stopped on June 30. Please make sure to change gadgets that link to the Toolserver to point to Tool Labs instead. [509]
- There were problems with generating file thumbnails for all wikis between May 3 and May 6 due to a configuration error. [510] [511]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
08:00, 12. Mai 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- Tech News is one year old this week; thank you for being with us!
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf5) was added to test wikis and on May 15. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 20, and all Wikipedias on May 22 (calendar).
- The jQuery JavaScript library was updated on May 16. Please check that your gadgets and scripts still work. [512] [513] [514]
- MediaViewer was enabled for all users on the Kannada (kn) and Telugu (te) Wikipedias on May 13. It will be enabled on the German (de), English (en), Italian (it) and Russian (ru) Wikipedias and on all Wikisource wikis on May 22. Feedback is welcome. [515] [516]
- VisualEditor was added as a beta feature to Wikimedia Commons on May 15. You can enable it in your preferences. [517] [518]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for April 2014.
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor's buttons and icons can now be accessed using keyboard keys. [519] [520]
- VisualEditor's new citation tool now matches templates like
and not just{{Cite web}}
. [521] [522] - VisualEditor's welcome message will no longer be shown to users who have already seen it. [523] [524]
- VisualEditor now shows a clearer message when you cancel an edit. [525]
- The toolbar of the PageTriage extension will no longer be visible inside VisualEditor. [526] [527]
Future software changes
- User ID number will no longer be visible in preferences. [528] [529]
- For several hours on May 16, there were problems with loading gadgets on some wikis due to a server problem. [530]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:18, 19. Mai 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf6) was added to test wikis and on May 22. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 27, and all Wikipedias on May 29 (calendar).
- MediaViewer will be enabled on all Wikisource wikis on May 29, and on the German (de) and English (en) Wikipedias on June 3. Feedback is welcome.
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor's welcome message and wikitext warning now say that you can switch to source mode editing and keep your edits without saving them. [531] [532] [533] [534]
- A bug that caused files not to appear after saving edits in the
namespace was fixed last week. [535] [536] - VisualEditor tabs will no longer appear in namespaces where VisualEditor is disabled. [537] [538]
- It is now possible to edit inline images with VisualEditor; many minor bugs related to images have also been fixed. [539]
- VisualEditor will no longer convert spaces to underscores inside links to pages in namespaces that include spaces in their names. [540]
Future software changes
- Wikimedia Labs will stop working for about 10 minutes around 18:00 UTC on May 30 due to a server upgrade. [541]
- It will soon no longer be possible to upload different files under the same name at the same time using the UploadWizard tool. [542] [543]
- Links to TIFF, DjVu or PDF files created with the syntax
[[File:Name.ext|thumb|page 15 is my favourite]]
will now show an image caption if there is any text after page number; previously they caused the given page to appear. [544] [545] [546] - You will soon see information about global blocks for IP addresses on their contributions page on your local wiki. [547] [548]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:29, 26. Mai 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf7) was added to test wikis and on May 29. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 3, and to all Wikipedias on June 5 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was enabled as the primary search method on all Wikipedias with less than 100,000 pages on May 30. [549]
VisualEditor news
- Templates that redirect to other templates now get the TemplateData of their target. [550]
- The toolbar of the PageTriage extension will no longer be visible after you save an edit with VisualEditor. [551] [552]
- VisualEditor now checks if your browser supports SVG files to avoid displaying broken icons. [553]
- There is now a new type for TemplateData parameters:
for dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. [554]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled on the German (de) and English (en) Wikipedias on June 3. Feedback is welcome.
- You will soon see a warning if you visit a contributions page for a user that does not exist. [555] [556]
- The search tab will soon be removed from user preferences. You will be able to set your search preferences on Special:Search. [557] [558]
- You will soon see a label next to the little triangle arrow for the Actions menu in the Vector skin (screenshot). [559] [560]
- For about 20 minutes on May 29, all wikis were broken due to a configuration error. [561]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:07, 2. Jun. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf8) was added to test wikis and on June 5. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 10, and to all Wikipedias on June 12 (calendar).
- You can now use guided tours on the Arabic (ar), Bengali (bn) and Norwegian (no) Wikipedias. If you want this tool on your wiki, you need to translate it and ask in Bugzilla. [562] [563]
VisualEditor news
- You should no longer be able to add empty references with VisualEditor. [564] [565]
- The "use an existing reference" button in the reference tool is now shown as disabled, rather than hidden, when the reference has content. [566] [567] [568]
- You will now see category contents again after saving an edit to a category page with VisualEditor. [569] [570]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled by default on all wikis on June 12. Feedback is welcome. [571]
- You will be able to use information from Wikidata directly in Wikiquote pages starting on June 10. [572]
- On wikis with the Translate extension enabled, translation administrators will soon be able to use the page migration tool to import existing translations to the new system. [573] [574]
- You will soon see metadata on file description pages for Ogg files (example video, example audio). Some metadata with non-English characters may need to be purged or transcoded to UTF-8 before they show correctly. [575] [576]
- Templates containing
tags will no longer need dummy parameters to prevent caching. [577] [578] [579] - You will no longer be able to use Special:Thanks directly. The page will soon show an error message when you visit it. [580] [581]
- Hovercards will no longer flicker. [582]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:39, 9. Jun. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- You can subscribe to the wikitech-ambassadors mailing list to get news more quickly and to send feedback or report problems.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf9) was added to test wikis and on June 12. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 17, and to all Wikipedias on June 19 (calendar).
- You can now read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for May 2014.
VisualEditor news
- You can now easily see the target of a link or other information using the context menu. [583]
- When you edit a reference, you can now empty it and click the "use an existing reference" button to switch it to re-use another reference. [584] [585]
- You can now add and edit
in the page settings menu. [586] [587] [588] [589] - The tool to insert special characters is now wider and simpler; the order of mathematical symbols is now correct. [590] [591] [592]
Future software changes
- Media Viewer will be enabled by default on all wikis on June 19. Feedback is welcome. [593]
- You will no longer be able to use navigation popups and Hovercards at the same time. [594]
- You will no longer see image thumbnails on search results pages on Wikibooks and Wikisource wikis. [595] [596]
- It will soon be possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. [597] [598]
- Tablet users will be redirected to the mobile view of Wikimedia wikis starting on June 17. [599]
- The special page that lists most linked-to templates will soon include pages from all namespaces; it will also be renamed to
. [600] - An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on June 17 at 17:30 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). You can also read a blog post about the upcoming switch to Phabricator.
- You can now comment on the draft 2014-15 goals of the Wikimedia Foundation engineering department. [601]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:13, 16. Jun. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf10) was added to test wikis and on June 19. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 24, and to all Wikipedias on June 26 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- You can now drag-and-drop selections of content, not just files and templates. [602] [603]
- When dragging an item, you will now see a line that helps you to drop it. [604] [605]
- You can now only move an image to the start of a paragraph, not to the middle of it, so you don't accidentally split it. [606] [607]
- You will now be warned if you add wikitext to file captions and references. [608] [609]
Future software changes
- You will no longer be able to upload files on wikis that do not have any copyright tags. [610] [611]
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as the primary search method on additional 70 new wikis, including Meta-Wiki and Wikimedia Incubator, during the next week. [612]
- CirrusSearch results will soon take into account categories, the first paragraph and the wikitext of a page. You will also be able to use regular expressions to search the wikitext. It will take a few days for the changes to be enabled on all wikis. [613]
- You will soon be able to watch translations for e-mail notifications without receiving an e-mail when they are reviewed by another translator. [614] [615]
- An IRC meeting to organize old high priority MediaWiki bug reports will take place on June 24 at 17:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [616]
- On June 19, all wikis were broken for about 15 minutes due to a high server load.
- Between June 13 and June 15 there were problems with the scaling of video files due to a configuration error. [617]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:20, 23. Jun. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf11) was added to test wikis and on June 26. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 1, and to all Wikipedias on July 3 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- Context menus in VisualEditor will no longer flicker and disappear when you insert a new reference, formula, image, etc. [618] [619]
- A bug that prevented relocating items due to cache was fixed last week. [620] [621]
- VisualEditor will no longer scroll to the bottom of the page when you try to edit section 0. When you try to add a formula, VisualEditor will no longer scroll to the top of the page. [622] [623] [624] [625]
- Links to category pages or file pages added with VisualEditor will now work correctly. [626] [627]
Future software changes
- You will no longer be able to upload files on wikis that do not have any copyright tags. [628] [629]
- Toolserver tools will be stopped on June 30. Please make sure to change gadgets that link to the Toolserver to point to Tool Labs instead.
- CirrusSearch will be enabled on June 30 as the primary search method on 34 new wikis, including the Czech (cs), Danish (da), Finnish (fi) and Hebrew (he) Wikipedias. [630]
- All Wikimedia wikis will be using a security method called perfect forward secrecy starting on July 1. If you see a problem, please report it. [631] [632]
- Starting on July 1, it will be possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. [633]
- You will soon see block information when you visit the contributions page or try to edit the user page or user talk page of a user who is affected by an IP range block. [634] [635]
- You will soon be able to use
as a magic word to produce the pipe character, for instance for use in tables. [636]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
08:53, 30. Jun. 2014 (CEST)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Tech News Aktualisierungen
- Wir suchen laufend Mitwirkendeum eine neue Wochenausgabe zu verfassen.Falls Sie uns unterstützen wollen kontaktieren Sie unsbitte.
Letzte Softwareänderungen
- Die neuste MediaWiki-Version (1.24wmf12) wurde am 3. Juli auf die Testwikis und hochgeladen. Sie wird am 8. Juli auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Projekten und auf allen Wikipedias am 10. Juli aktiviert werden (Kalender).
- Am 1. Juli wurde CirrusSearch als primäre Suchmethode auf 36 neuen Wikis aktiviert, darunter die norwegische (no), portugiesische (pt) und ukraionische (ru) Wikipedias [637]
- It is now possible to create Atom or RSS feeds for Word of the Day, Word of the Week and similar entries on Wiktionary wikis. [638] [639]
- You can now use a graphical interface to edit TemplateData information on the English (en), French (fr) and Italian (it) Wikipedias. [640] [641]
Neuigkeiten zum VisualEditor
- Saving an edit with VisualEditor will now be much faster. [642] [643]
- You can now add a caption when you add a file to a page with VisualEditor. You can also change the file to a different one and keep the existing caption. [644] [645] [646]
- When you switch to the Edit source tab, you are now asked to keep your changes. You no longer need to find the option in the menus. [647] [648] [649]
- The reference tool that adds empty
tags is now at the bottom of the Cite menu, below references that use templates like{{Cite web}}
. [650] - Context menus will no longer be shown over items that you can edit directly, for example formulæ. [651] [652] [653]
Geplante Softwareänderungen
- Starting on July 9, it will be possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. The feature was first scheduled for July 1, but was delayed due to bugs.
- A plan to enable CirrusSearch as the primary search method on the 11 largest Wikimedia wikis has now been prepared. [654]
- If you use references on a page, you will soon always see them at the bottom of the page, even if you forget to add the
<references />
tag (or a template). [655] [656] - Black-and-white XCF images will soon display correctly. [657] [658]
- Description pages of SVG files will soon always show download links for multiple resolutions (example). The links were previously shown only for SVG files in large original resolutions. [659] [660]
- Between July 2-3, there were problems with loading pages on multiple wikis due to a configuration issue. [661] [662]
- For a few hours on July 1, there were problems with uploading new files on Wikimedia Commons due to a configuration error. [663] [664]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:07, 7. Jul. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf13) was added to test wikis and on July 10. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 15, and to all Wikipedias on July 17 (calendar).
- It is now possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. Please go to the username changes page on Meta if you want to rename your account on all wikis. [665] [666]
- You can now read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for June 2014.
- You can now read the latest issue of the Wikidata newsletter and translate it into your language.
VisualEditor news
- The tool to add templates and citations will now work for templates that include HTML comments or templates in their titles. [667] [668]
- The button to make images full size should now work correctly. [669] [670] [671]
- References will now be shown in the default font size again. [672]
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as the primary search method on the Dutch (nl) and Japanese (ja) Wikipedias on July 14, and on the Polish (pl) and Russian (ru) Wikipedias on July 16. [673]
- The Special:Version page will soon show the exact version of MediaWiki and all extensions installed on your wiki (example). [674] [675]
- It will soon no longer be possible to order printed books of wiki articles via PediaPress. You will still be able to create PDF files. [676]
- Pages that use
more than once will soon show a warning. You can use{{DISPLAYTITLE:''title''|noerror}}
to hide it. [677] [678] - Pages that have the list of references added automatically will soon be added to a tracking category. Administrators will be able to configure the name of the category on their wikis. [679] [680]
- Administrators will soon be able to easily merge histories of two pages using Special:MergeHistory. [681] [682]
- Administrators will soon see links to delete files on Special:ListFiles. [683]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:48, 14. Jul. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf14) was added to test wikis and on July 17. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 22, and to all Wikipedias on July 24 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was removed as the primary search method from Wikimedia Commons and the Spanish (es) Wikipedia due to a high server load. The plan to enable it on the Dutch (nl), Japanese (ja), Polish (pl) and Russian (ru) Wikipedias was also postponed to a later date. [684] [685] [686]
- The tool that stores information about languages (CLDR) was updated to its latest version. You can still help translate language names into your own language so they can be used in the sidebar and other places. [687]
- Translation memory for newly translatable pages should now offer more suggestions. [688] [689]
- A tool to convert MediaWiki pages to LaTeX is now available on Tool Labs. [690]
VisualEditor news
- Tablet users visiting the mobile version of Wikimedia wikis will be able to use a special version of VisualEditor starting on July 31. You can test the new tool by choosing the beta version of the mobile view in the Settings menu. Feedback is welcome. [691]
- All windows in VisualEditor have now a new design. Main action buttons will always be located in the top bar and will use simple words rather than icons. [692]
- You can now easily open links inside the link editor, for example to see their target. [693]
- Several bugs related to the positioning of the cursor around some items (like images and references) were fixed last week. [694] [695] [696] [697] [698] [699]
Future software changes
- It will soon be possible to watch individual discussions in the Topic namespace rather than whole pages for talk pages using Flow. [700]
- You can give comments about the new version of Winter, a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. [701]
- An IRC meeting to organize Pywikibot bugs will take place from July 24 to July 27 on the channel #pywikibot on freenode. [702]
- A request for comments on how to improve MediaWiki API was re-started on Your feedback is welcome.
- Mailing lists were broken for about 16 hours between July 14 and July 15 due to a server problem. [703]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:41, 21. Jul. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf15) was added to test wikis and on July 24. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 29, and to all Wikipedias on July 31 (calendar).
- You can now download the latest version of the anti-vandalism tool Huggle.
VisualEditor news
- You can now create, edit, and view HTML comments in VisualEditor. [704] [705]
- The cancel button in VisualEditor toolbar has been removed. You can still use the Read tab and the Back button in your browser to cancel your edit. [706]
- If you try to use a template which has no suggested or required parameters in TemplateData, you will now be asked to add the parameters. [707] [708]
- You will no longer be able to edit a page if you can't create it, for example on pages protected against recreation. [709] [710]
Future software changes
- You will soon be able to filter Meta-Wiki's user rights log by wiki and user. [711] [712]
- Wikidata will soon be able to store data about article status, for example "good article" or "featured article". If your wiki has highlighted content, please make sure it is on Wikidata's list. [713]
- It will soon be possible to directly create empty pages, for example in the user namespace. [714] [715]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:08, 28. Jul. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- Tech News will be presented at the Wikimania 2014 conference in London! If you will be attending the conference, please join us in Auditorium 2 at 14:30 local time on Sunday, August 10.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf16) was added to test wikis and on July 31. Due to the Wikimania 2014 conference, it will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on August 12, and to all Wikipedias on August 14 (calendar). [716]
- You can now test a new tool to render wiki pages as PDF files. [717] [718] [719]
- You can now download an update to the archive of Wikimedia Commons files (uploaded up to December 31, 2013). If you have free space on your computer, please help preserve the files. [720]
- New users using the mobile Commons site now need to make 75 edits before they can upload a file. [721] [722]
VisualEditor news
- You will no longer see an edit confirmation message after making a null edit with VisualEditor. [723] [724]
- VisualEditor will no longer change underscores to spaces in category sort keys. [725]
- Many bugs that resulted in inserting the pawn and snowman symbols were fixed last week. [726] [727] [728] [729]
- Several bugs related to the use of references were also fixed. [730] [731] [732] [733]
Future software changes
- You will soon have a user option to watch pages where you revert edits. [734] [735]
- All Toolserver data will be deleted in September. If you want to back up your data, contact Toolserver administrators before August 31. [736]
- Pages in the
namespace on wikis using the Translate extension will no longer be indexed by search engines. [737]
- Wikivoyage wikis were broken for about 45 minutes on July 29 due to a configuration problem. [738]
- Some users were not able to log in on test wikis and between July 31 and August 1. The problem is now fixed. [739]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:37, 4. Aug. 2014 (CEST)
Die jüngsten Technischen Neuigkeiten von der technischen Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft. Bitte informiere andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Neuste Softwareänderungen
- In der Woche der der Wikimania-Konferenz 2014 wurde keine neue MediaWiki-Version ausgeliefert. Die aktuelle MediaWiki-Version (1.24wmf16) wird am 12. August auf nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und am 14. August auf alle Wikipedia-Sprachversionen ausgeliefert (Kalender). [740]
- Bürokraten auf allen Wikivoyage-Wikis sind nicht länger in der Lage, zwei Benutzerkonten zu einem zusammenzuführen. [741]
Neuigkeiten zum VisualEditor
- Tablett-Benutzer werden ab dem 12. August den VisualEditor benutzen können, wenn sie die mobile Version von nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis besuchen. Am 14. August wird die Funktion auf allen Wikipedia-Sprachversionen aktiviert. [742]
Geplante Softwareänderungen
- Internet-Explorer-6-Benutzer werden bald nur noch eine JavaScript-freie Version von Wikimedia-Wikis sehen. JavaScript-Werkzeuge und Skripte werden in diesem Webbrowser nicht länger funktionieren. Wenn du Internet Explorer 6 benutzt, stelle sicher, rechtzeitig auf einen neueren Webbrowser umzusteigen! [743] [744] [745]
- Wenn du eine Spezialseite besuchst, die es erfordert, angemeldet zu sein, wirst du demnächst automatisch zur Anmeldungs-Seite umgeleitet, statt eine Warnmeldung zu sehen. [746] [747]
- You will now always see recent changes to the source language text when editing a translation with the Translate extension. [748] [749]
- An IRC meeting to discuss VisualEditor will take place on August 14 at 09:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [750]
Tech-News zusammengestellt von Tech-Botschaftern und verbreitet von der MediaWiki-Nachrichtenzustellung • Beitragen • Übersetzen • Hilfe • Rückmeldungen geben • Bestellen oder abbestellen.
09:43, 11. Aug. 2014 (CEST)
Die jüngsten Technischen Neuigkeiten von der technischen Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft. Bitte informiere andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Neuste Softwareänderungen
- Die neueste Version der MediaWiki (1.24wmf17) wurde auf Test Wikis und seit 14 August veröffentlicht. Es wird auf nicht-Wikis Wikipedia am 19. August, und auf allen Wikipedias 21. August (den Kalender).
- Es gibt ein neues Seitenschutzlevel namens Superschutz. Zur Zeit haben nur einige Wikimedia Foundation-Mitarbeiter Zugriff darauf. "Supergeschützte" Seiten können nicht von Administratoren bearbeitet werden. [751] [752] [753]
- Leere Seiten können nun direkt erstellt werden Eine Nachricht bittet in dem Fall um Bestätigung, ob man wirklich eine leere Seite erstellen möchte. [754] [755]
- Wikimedia-Tools können nun mit Hilfe einer neuen Liste von Tools gesucht werden. [756]
- Es können nun die ersten Videos von der Wikimania 2014 angeschaut werden. Einige sind über technische Themen. Mehr Videos werden folgen.
- Nach 19 August werden Sie in der Lage, Wikidata für inter Sprache Links auf Wikinews verwenden. [757]
- Nach 19 August werden Sie in der Lage, Wikidata für Abzeichen wie "gut" oder "Besondere" Artikel verwenden. Nächste Woche werden Sie in der Lage sein, die Abzeichen in der Seitenleiste auf Wikipedia-Artikel, Wikisource und Wikiquote zu zeigen. [758]
- Es gab ein Problem mit der ProofreadPage und WikiEditor Software auf Wikisource Wikis. Es ist jetzt behoben. [759] [760]
Tech News geschrieben Tech Botschafter und gepostet von bot • Mitmachen • Übersetzen • Hilfe • Feedback zu geben • abonnieren oder abbestellen.
09:16, 18. Aug. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
VisualEditor news
- There was a error when you put your cursor directly after a reference list. It is now fixed. [761]
- You can now add colors to links in the editor using gadgets. You can do this to see links to redirects or disambiguation pages. [762]
- If you use Internet Explorer, you will soon be able to use VisualEditor. [763] [764] [765]
Future software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf18) is on test wikis and since August 21. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on August 26, and on all Wikipedias on August 28 (calendar).
- After August 26, you will have a central JavaScript and CSS page. They will be on Meta-Wiki and will work on all wikis. Read more on the help page. [766]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:21, 25. Aug. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now test a new Beta Feature to see links to other wikis in the sidebar. The links come from Wikidata. [767] [768]
- You can now search pages that link to a page. Use the
keyword in your search. [769] [770] - A redirect to a section now changes the URL in the address bar of your browser. If "Dog" redirects to "Animals#Dog", you now see "Animals#Dog" instead of "Dog#Dog". [771] [772]
- If you are testing Flow, you now have a Flow tab in your Notifications. It is called "Messages". [773]
VisualEditor news
- You can no longer delete required fields in templates. [774]
- We fixed many Internet Explorer bugs. If you use Internet Explorer 11, you will get VisualEditor next week. Support for earlier versions is coming next. [775] [776] [777]
- VisualEditor now looks better in Monobook. [778]
- We fixed a bug where some of your typing could be undone when you used "cut" (Ctrl+X). [779]
- You will no longer see empty or deleted categories among the suggestions when you add a category. [780]
Future software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf19) is on test wikis and since August 28. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on September 2, and on all Wikipedias on September 4 (calendar).
- There is a proposal to build a database on Commons for file data. It will make it easier to see the author, license and topics. You can give feedback on this idea. You can also come to the IRC chat on September 3 at 18:00 (UTC) in
at freenode. [781] - You can give feedback on Media Viewer until September 7. You can say what needs to be improved and ask other people to give feedback too. [782]
- You can test a new version of the tool to show math. It uses MathML. Report bugs in bugzilla.
- You will no longer be able to upload images from the mobile site. [783]
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09:48, 1. Sep. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
VisualEditor news
- From Thursday, Internet Explorer 11 users will get VisualEditor. Support for earlier versions is coming next. [784] [785] [786]
Future software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf20) is on test wikis and since September 4. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on September 9, and on all Wikipedias on September 11 (calendar).
- You will soon confirm a "Thanks" inline instead of in a dialog. [787]
- You can read more about the plan to move to Phabricator, a tool that will help people develop the MediaWiki software and report bugs. [788]
- There were problems with JavaScript and CSS on Friday, September 5 because of a code error.
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11:33, 8. Sep. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now change the style of links to disambiguation pages. This is done with the
CSS class. [789] [790] - There was a problem on right-to-left wikis with Wikidata log entries. The text was messy in watchlists and recent changes. The problem is now fixed. The same problem will be fixed soon for user names. [791] [792] [793]
- New users are randomly chosen for a test on 12 Wikipedias. They get messages with ideas of articles to edit. The ideas come from what they have already edited. [794]
- There was a problem with loading images on September 10. [795]
VisualEditor news
- If you don't select text when you add a link, the link now shows a number. [796]
- The citation tool no longer offers to reuse a citation if there are none on the page yet. [797] [798]
- You can now use help buttons in the "Seiteneinstellungen" menu to see what the options are for. [799]
Future software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf21) is on test wikis and since September 11. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on September 16, and on all Wikipedias on September 18 (calendar).
- These changes are coming with the new version:
- If you use Internet Explorer 7, JavaScript will no longer work. JavaScript tools and scripts will no longer work in that browser. You should update to a newer browser. [800] [801] [802]
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10:34, 15. Sep. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Kürzliche Software-Änderungen
- You can test a new Beta Feature called HHVM. It should make editing faster. Please report bugs if you see them. [803]
- There was a problem on the English Wikipedia on September 19. It was due to edits on a template used on many pages.
- Sites were down for users in the Pacific area around 7:00 UTC on September 20. It was due to a problem in the San Francisco data center.
- There were two bad bugs messing up articles in some browsers in VisualEditor. We fixed the bugs and updated the sites. [804] [805]
Software-Änderungen in dieser Woche
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf22) is on test wikis and since September 18. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on September 23, and on all Wikipedias on September 25 (calendar).
- If you have more than 2000 notifications, the oldest ones will be removed.[806] [807]
- In the "Vector" skin, the icon used for users will show a neutral gender. [808] [809]
- The VisualEditor template tool now tells you if a required field is missing. [810]
- The "Cancel" button of the VisualEditor save window is now called "Resume editing". This shows that you can still edit and you won't lose your changes. [811]
- There are new keyboard shortcuts in VisualEditor. Use Ctrl+Shift+6 for
and Ctrl+Shift+5 forstrikethrough. [812] [813] - In VisualEditor, you can now see that you are switching to the source editing mode. Before, it was not clear it was happening. [814]
Future site changes
- You can see a plan for the move to Phabricator. It's the new tool to track bugs. A guided tour will be done via video on September 24. [815]
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11:05, 22. Sep. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- On Commons, you can now see what files are most used across all wikis. You can also see the same list for deleted or uncreated files. [816] [817]
- There are now many more translations for language names. [818]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf1) is on test wikis and since September 25. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on September 30, and on all Wikipedias on October 2 (calendar).
- Errors from Scribunto (Lua) are now shown on the page. Before, you had to click on "Script error" to see them. [819] [820]
- You can add an "autovalue" for a field in TemplateData. When users add the template to a page, the value will be added automatically. An example is when a clean-up template shows the date it was added. [821]
- If you change a user preference but don't save it, it now asks if you want to save it. [822] [823]
- The PDF export tool has changed. The new one has better language support but it doesn't offer ZIM and EPUB formats. [824]
Future changes
- You can watch a video showing Phabricator, the new tool to track bugs. You can also read more about the move from Bugzilla.
- JavaScript authors: Many old methods will be removed soon. Please check your scripts and gadgets and replace the old methods by the new ones if needed. [825]
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11:44, 29. Sep. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can use the
interwikis to link to [826] [827] - Some wikis have a template to track bugs in Bugzilla. You should update it to work with Phabricator. You can look at the one on to see how. [828] [829]
- You can look at Special:MediaStatistics to see what kind of files are on your wiki. [830]
- A new tool can now create thumbnails of large TIFF images. This concerns files larger than 50 megapixels. These thumbnails are also sharpened. You can comment on Commons. [831]
- The Media Viewer tool has a clearer link to the file page. It also has buttons to download, share and embed the file. You can enlarge images by clicking on them. [832]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf2) has been on test wikis and since 2 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from 7 October, and on all Wikipedias from 9 October (calendar).
- If you make a code mistake when editing a Lua script, you won't be able to save your edit. [833] [834]
- We fixed some more Internet Explorer bugs. If you use Internet Explorer 10, you will be able to use VisualEditor next week. Support for earlier versions is coming next. [835]
- On Thursday, the tool to edit TemplateData will come to 30 more wikis. [836] [837]
- You can help sort bugs in the Book and PDF export tool on October 8. [838]
- 1% of logged-out readers are getting pages from servers that run the HHVM tool. HHVM should make pages load faster. [839]
Future changes
- You can look at the plan of the Mobile team for their future work. [840]
- More changes to Media Viewer are coming. It will be easier to disable it, and you will see the caption below the image. [841] [842]
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08:10, 6. Okt. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now log into Phabricator, the new tool to track bugs. Create your account and add your Bugzilla email address. We are copying the bugs from Bugzilla. Bugzilla is still open. [843] [844]
- You will now get the VisualEditor newsletter in your language if someone has translated it. You can add translations. You can know about the next translations by joining the translators list or asking Elitre (WMF).
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf3) has been on test wikis and since 9 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from 14 October, and on all Wikipedias from 16 October (calendar).
- 5% of logged-out readers are getting pages from servers that run the HHVM tool. HHVM should make pages load faster. You can also test it as a Beta Feature. [847]
- You can join a meeting with Language developers on October 15, 2014 at 17:00 (UTC). [848]
- There is a proposal to organize file pages better. It would use the same tools as Wikidata. You can join a meeting about it on October 16, 2014 at 18:00 (UTC). [849]
- You can join a meeting about VisualEditor on October 18, 2014 at 18:00 (UTC). [850]
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10:53, 13. Okt. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. You can read translations.
Recent changes
- You can test a new system to see math using MathML. Go to your display options and choose "⧼mw math mathml⧽".
- You can add badges in Wikidata for quality articles and featured lists. [851] [852]
File information cleanup
- You can join a wiki project to help tools read file information. It will help people reuse files.
- See how to fix metadata. You can fix it by adding markers to templates and adding templates to files.
- You can see a list of files missing machine-readable information on your wiki.
- The files missing readable data are also in these categories: no license, no description, no author or no source. [853]
- Developers fixed a security problem. If you use Internet Explorer 6, you won't be able to log in any more. You should use a newer browser. [854]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf4) has been on test wikis and since October 16. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from October 21, and on all Wikipedias from October 23 (calendar).
- 10% of logged-out readers are getting pages from servers that run the HHVM tool. HHVM should make pages load faster. You can also test it as a Beta Feature. [855]
- If you add the same parameter twice in a template, it now puts the page in a tracking category. [856] [857]
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15:47, 20. Okt. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- There was an issue with files from Commons on October 21. You could only see those with names between 140 and 159 characters by visiting Commons itself. [858]
- There was a problem with cut and paste in VisualEditor in Firefox. It was fixed quickly. [859]
- There was a problem with editing math in VisualEditor. It was fixed quickly. [860]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will now come to Wikipedia sites every Wednesday, instead of every Thursday. [861]
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf5) has been on test wikis and since October 23. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from October 28, and on all Wikipedias from October 29 (calendar).
- VisualEditor now uses autovalues for templates if they are in TemplateData. [862] [863] [864]
- VisualEditor's menu items now show their shortcuts beside them. [865]
- VisualEditor now opens faster when you click "edit". [866]
- The rules for plurals in translations changed in some languages. Interface translations are currently not being updated from; this process will start again on November 6. [867]
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06:20, 27. Okt. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The "Special:Cite" page is now called "Special:CiteThisPage". That way, you know it's to cite the page, not to add a reference. [868]
- You can no longer use the
keyword for text searches. It caused issues with the new search tool. It will come back later. [869] [870]
- There was a bug in VisualEditor with Internet Explorer. It hid tools like the link editor when you opened them. The bug was fixed on Monday. [871]
- Issues with the new search tool caused geo data code to show up on pages on Monday and Friday. The mobile "nearby" tool was also broken. The problem is now fixed. [872] [873] [874]
- HHVM caused server issues on Thursday. They are now fixed.
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf5) has been on test wikis and since October 29. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from November 4, and on all Wikipedias from November 5 (calendar).
- Some wikis have icons at the top of a page to show if it is protected or featured. Icons show up using CSS. You can now use the
tag in these templates instead to add the icons. [875] [876] - VisualEditor now tells you if you're editing a re-used reference. This helps you avoid changing it if you just want to add a new one. [877]
- The icons in VisualEditor's template editor tool for adding more fields are back, along with other fixes. [878] [879] [880] [881] [882]
- After November 6, all wikis will have the tool to edit TemplateData. [883] [884] [885]
Future changes
- The new search tool will come to the last wikis in the coming weeks. This includes Wikipedia in French, Chinese, German and English. [886]
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18:28, 3. Nov. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You may see a new tool on the mobile site of the English Wikipedia. It asks simple questions to make the article better. In the future, your answers will go to Wikidata. [887] [888]
- The MediaWiki API now shows information in a nice format. You can translate it in [889]
- Reminder: You can help fix file information on your wiki. It will help robots understand the information. After that, it will be easier for you to search files and re-use them.
- You can join two IRC chats this week to learn more about the file cleanup project. One will be on Wednesday at 18:00 (UTC) and the other on Thursday at 04:00 (UTC). You can ask questions during the chat if you need help to fix files on your wiki.
- You can see a list of files to fix on the Labs tool. You can report bugs and ask questions on the talk page.
- Wikimedia Labs was broken for a few hours on Thursday. It was due to a hardware problem. [890]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf7) has been on test wikis and since November 5. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from November 11, and on all Wikipedias from November 12 (calendar).
- You can now use more editing tools for tables in VisualEditor. You can add rows and columns, merge cells, and edit table captions. [891] [892]
- The style and insert menus in the toolbar of VisualEditor now show fewer tools. This helps you see the most common tasks. You can see all items by clicking "More". [893]
- The way windows inside VisualEditor work has changed. VisualEditor should be faster and have fewer bugs. [894]
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16:00, 10. Nov. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf8) has been on test wikis and since November 12. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from November 18, and on all Wikipedias from November 19 (calendar).
- The new search tool ("CirrusSearch") will be on the English Wikipedia from November 19. [895]
Move from Bugzilla to Phabricator
- The tool to track bugs will change on November 21.
- You won't be able to add or edit bugs between November 21 and November 24.
- You can make the change easier for you by creating your account.
- Bugzilla will be frozen after the change. You will see, edit and report bugs in Phabricator.
- You can join two IRC chats to learn more about the change. The chats will be on Tuesday, November 18 at 16:00 (UTC) and 23:00 UTC. [896]
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19:28, 17. Nov. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The move from Bugzilla to Phabricator is done. You can now report bugs in Phabricator. [897]
- There was a problem when editing tables in VisualEditor. VisualEditor was trying to fix bad values for the
option. VisualEditor now leaves the bad values to avoid making things worse. This was fixed on November 17. [898]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf9) has been on test wikis and since November 19. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from November 25, and on all Wikipedias from November 26 (calendar).
- You will be able to try VisualEditor on many new wikis for the first time. After November 26, VisualEditor will become available on Wikidata, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, Wikivoyage, and Wikinews wikis. You can find it in your Beta options. [899]
- VisualEditor now tells you if your edit needs to be approved. [900]
- You can now use VisualEditor's tools directly when you resume editing after closing the save window. [901]
- VisualEditor's table editing tools now work better in right-to-left languages. [902] [903]
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20:31, 24. Nov. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- All users are now getting pages from servers that run the HHVM tool. HHVM should make pages load faster. [904]
- You can join a video chat about Phabricator on December 11 at 18:00 (UTC). Phabricator is the new tool to report issues. [905]
- There was a problem with Phabricator on November 29. It was due to a network issue. [906]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf11) has been on test wikis and since December 3. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from December 9. It will be on all Wikipedias from December 10 (calendar). [907]
- You can now exit VisualEditor by pressing the "Esc" key. [908]
- It is now easier to use VisualEditor with IMEs. Typing in Malayalam now works better. [909] [910]
- The new version of OOjs UI fixed many issues with the size and layout of buttons in dialogs. [911] [912] [913]
- (Lua) You can no longer use
to get the HTML from special page transclusion. You can see a list of scripts to fix. [914] [915]
Future changes
- Starting next week JavaScript tools won't work if they use jQuery Migrate. [916]
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18:10, 8. Dez. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You may see a new tool tested on the mobile site of the English Wikipedia. It asks simple questions to make the article better. In the future, your answers will go to Wikidata. [917]
- You can watch a video to learn how to use Phabricator to manage projects. [918]
- You can test a new version of the Content Translation tool.
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf12) has been on test wikis and since December 10. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from December 16. It will be on all Wikipedias from December 17 (calendar). [919]
- You can now find and replace text in VisualEditor. You can open the tool via the menu,
. [920] - VisualEditor now doesn't change the space at the end of a text that you make bold. [921]
- The "Apply changes" button in the reference window of VisualEditor is now disabled until you make a change. [922]
Future changes
- The star image of the watchlist may change soon. [923] [924]
- You won't be able to use Phabricator on December 18, 2014. It will be down between 00:00 and 08:00 (UTC). [925] [926]
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17:43, 15. Dez. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The Technical Operations team is now using Phabricator to track their tasks. The Operations team manages the Wikimedia servers. In the future you will be able to see the tasks that are not private. [927]
Software changes this week
- There will be no software changes this week and next week. This is because of the end-of-year holidays. The next update of MediaWiki will be on January 6. [928]
Future changes
- The system that displays citations will change in the future. The new system will not change the style of citations. [929]
- A new design for VisualEditor will come in January. You can try it now on test wikis. [930]
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17:52, 22. Dez. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Software changes
- There are no technical changes this week.
Feedback about Tech News in 2014
- The writers of the technical newsletter are asking for your opinion. Did you get the information you wanted this year? Did we miss important technical news in 2014? What kind of information was too late? Please tell us at m:Talk:Tech/News. You can write in your language. Thank you!
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17:51, 29. Dez. 2014 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- Rotated PDF files in landscape format used to show too small. They will now display correctly. You may need to purge older files. [931]
- You can now use the
magic word instead of Template:!. Many wikis used the template to create a pipe (|
) in tables and templates. You can delete the template. [932]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki (1.25wmf14) has been on test wikis and since January 7. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from January 13. It will be on all Wikipedias from January 14 (calendar).
- A bug in VisualEditor sometimes added a
(Sun) character. This is now fixed. [933] - The search and replace tool in VisualEditor is now much faster in long pages. [934]
- The TemplateData editor now uses the same design as VisualEditor. [935] [936] [937]
- The
option is now shown in your language in the help of the classic editor toolbar. [938]
Future changes
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17:47, 12. Jan. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can download the new version of the Wikipedia app for Android. The new version shows lead images, better galleries and content from Wikidata. It also has many other new features.[940] [941]
- Programs and bots still can't read information about images on many wikis. You can see the list of wikis with the most files to fix. Wikipedia in Italian, Indonesian and Japanese language have the most files to fix. On the biggest wikis you should use bots. Bots can add information templates to groups of files. You can ask other tech users to help you.
- All JavaScript on Commons was broken for a few minutes on Tuesday. It was because of old code in the HotCat tool. The same problem happened on some Wikipedias on Wednesday. It is now fixed. [942]
Software changes this week
- There are no software changes this week and next week due to annual meetings. [943]
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19:12, 19. Jan. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now translate articles with the new ContentTranslation tool on several wikis. [944]
This week
- There are no software changes this week due to annual meetings. [945]
Future changes
- You can join a project to improve WikiProjects. [946]
- The Compact Personal Bar will be removed for now. It has a bug that breaks the tool to choose your language. It will come back when the bug is fixed. [947]
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17:08, 26. Jan. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- There was a security issue on Wikimedia Labs. Many Labs tools were down after the issue was fixed. [948]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since January 14. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from February 3. It will be on all Wikipedias from February 4 (calendar).
- The "Save page" button in the VisualEditor toolbar is now blue rather than green. This is the same as on the mobile site. [949]
- You can now edit pages on the draft namespace with VisualEditor on the Russian Wikipedia and Hebrew Wikipedia. You can ask to get VisualEditor for a namespace on your wiki. When your community agrees, ask in Phabricator. [950] [951]
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17:31, 2. Feb. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now use
{{#lsth: PageName | SectionName }}
to transclude a section with its title. [952]
- MediaWiki was reverted to the previous version on February 4. It was because of a performance issue. It was restored later. [953]
- UploadWizard was broken on February 4 because of the revert of MediaWiki. [954]
- All sites were broken for 30 minutes on February 5. It was due to a network problem. [955]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since February 5. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from February 10. It will be on all Wikipedias from February 11 (calendar).
- You can have one user page for all wikis. Your Meta user page will show if you don't have a user page on a wiki. You can test this tool on test wikis. [956] [957] [958]
- You can search for media files in VisualEditor more easily. Images are bigger and you see the size and license. [959] [960]
- It is easier to review your changes when you save the page in VisualEditor. The window is wider. [961]
- You can read the latest news about VisualEditor. You can now join weekly meetings with developers. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The first meeting is on February 11 at 20:00 (UTC).
Future changes
- Administrators will soon be able to delete change tags used fewer than 5,000 times. [962]
- In the future you will be able to have personal lists of articles on the mobile site. [963]
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17:26, 9. Feb. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since February 11. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from February 17. It will be on all Wikipedias from February 18 (calendar).
- On Wednesday your Meta user page will be shown if you don't have a user page on a wiki. [964] [965] [966]
- You can now change the order of categories in VisualEditor using drag-and-drop. [967]
- In VisualEditor, you now need to make a change before you can "Apply Changes" to citations and templates. [968]
- The way the cursor moves in VisualEditor is changing. Your browser now handles the cursor directly. Most of you will see no change. In right-to-left text, the cursor now moves in a 'visible' rather than 'logical' way. This is like other sites but you may be surprised at first. [969]
- The VisualEditor Team had their first public bug triage meeting on February 11. They will post the results on the meeting page. [970]
- You can join the second weekly meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on February 18 at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join. [971]
- You can join a meeting with the developers of the Content Translation tool. It will be on February 18 at 13:00 (UTC). [972]
Future changes
- You can comment on a proposal about abandoned Labs tools.
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18:57, 16. Feb. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- All new accounts are now global. [973]
- Your Meta user page is now shown if you don't have a user page on a wiki. You can report problems if you see any. You can ask a bot to delete your old user pages. [974] [975] [976]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since February 18. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from February 25. It will be on all Wikipedias from February 26 (calendar).
- It is now easier to see template fields in VisualEditor. The fields are bigger. [977]
- It is now easier to see when a button is disabled in VisualEditor. [978]
- Sometimes when you copy-pasted a template in VisualEditor, it was replaced by HTML. This problem is now fixed. [979]
- Tools in Labs will stop working for a few hours on February 24. [980]
- You can read the notes from the last meeting with the VisualEditor team.
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on February 26 at 00:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- At the moment you need to log in to edit Wikimedia wikis on mobile devices. You can say if anyone should be allowed to edit on the mobile sites. The discussion ends on March 15.
- Images in the interface will soon work better in Opera 12. [981]
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17:28, 23. Feb. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- A Lua function to use Wikidata has changed. You need to update the pages that use it. [982]
- You can use the Content Translation tool on Wikipedia in Uzbek and Minangkabau. You need to enable it in your Beta options.
- You can now hide banners if you don't have an account. [983] [984]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since February 25. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from March 3. It will be on all Wikipedias from March 4 (calendar).
- You can use the Content Translation tool on Wikipedia in Punjabi and Kyrgyz. You can ask for the tool in other languages.
- Editing the fake blank line in VisualEditor is now simpler. This change also fixed a few bugs. [985] [986] [987] [988]
- The TemplateData editor now warns you if a related page already has TemplateData. [989]
- The TemplateData table now tells you if a template doesn't take any parameters. [990]
- You can read the notes from the last meeting with the VisualEditor team.
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on March 4 at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join technical meetings in France and Mexico this year. You will be able to ask for help if you can't pay yourself. [991]
Future changes
- You will be able to get a direct link for a section of a page. [992]
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17:41, 2. Mär. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now create books on almost all wikis. It doesn't work yet on wikis using the language converter. [993] [994]
- VisualEditor had problems with categories in Safari. It sometimes moved or removed the categories. The issue is now fixed. [995] [996] [997]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since March 4. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from March 10. It will be on all Wikipedias from March 11 (calendar).
- In VisualEditor the "Edit beta" button is now called "Edit" on the English Wikipedia. [998] [999]
- The feedback tool in VisualEditor now looks like the other tools. It also asks for information about your browser to help fix bugs. [1.000] [1.001]
- You now see the VisualEditor toolbar even if the rest of the page is still loading. [1.002] [1.003]
- You now see more information when you edit a link, a reference or other items in VisualEditor. You also see a clearer edit button in those tools. [1.004] [1.005]
- If you use the ContentTranslation tool you now see red links in the list of articles in other languages. The link is red if the article doesn't exist in the language of your options or of your browser. You can translate the article by clicking on the red link.
- You can read the notes from the last meeting with the VisualEditor team.
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on March 11 at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join a technical meeting in France in May. You can ask for help if you can't pay yourself. [1.006]
Küftige Änderungen
- You can get help to become a developer. You can learn more on the Google Summer of Code and Outreachy pages. [1.007]
- You will soon be able to read technical reports in Phabricator. [1.008]
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16:18, 9. Mär. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The servers that resize images are using new software. You should report new problems that you notice with images. [1.009]
- You can now see lists of bugs about Commons, Wikisource and Wiktionary. [1.010]
- It is now easier to add special characters in VisualEditor. You can edit the list of characters for your wiki. [1.011] [1.012]
- Wikis were broken for a few minutes on Thursday due to a code error.
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since March 11. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from March 17. It will be on all Wikipedias from March 18 (calendar).
- A puzzle piece icon (
) now shows hidden templates in VisualEditor. You can edit the template by clicking the icon. For example, you can now edit anchor templates. [1.013] [1.014]
- You can now add examples, and details about old parameters, in TemplateData. [1.015] [1.016]
- You can read the notes from the last meeting with the VisualEditor team.
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on March 18 at 23:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The list of bad user names on your wiki will no longer work. The global list will replace it. You can ask to add rules for bad user names on Meta. [1.017] [1.018]
- You can comment on how you want to see Wikidata edits in your watchlist on other wikis. [1.019]
- The final steps of single user login (SUL) will happen in April. You can see the rules to rename accounts. [1.020]
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16:14, 16. Mär. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since March 18. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from March 24. It will be on all Wikipedias from March 25 (calendar).
- The text of a reference is now more visible when you click on it. It has a blue background. Many wikis already have the blue color. Those wikis can now remove it from their CSS page. [1.021]
- VisualEditor is now much faster. For many users it is now at least as fast as the wikitext editor. [1.022] [1.023] [1.024]
- When you add a list of references in VisualEditor, you now see it right away. You can still change its group by editing it. [1.025]
- You can read the notes from the last meeting with the VisualEditor team.
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on March 25 at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Talk pages using "LiquidThreads" on will soon use the new system. [1.026]
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16:09, 23. Mär. 2015 (CET)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now hide site banners even if you don't have an account. [1.027]
- You can now add citations more easily with VisualEditor on the French and Italian Wikipedia. The tool adds the information when you add some types of links. In the future you will be able to add this tool to your wiki. [1.028] [1.029] [1.030]
- All sites should now be faster if you have a recent browser. [1.031]
- You could see a serious bug when editing some templates with VisualEditor. It was fixed quickly. [1.032]
- VisualEditor could break when you edited an image. The issue was fixed quickly. [1.033]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since March 25. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from March 31. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 1 (calendar).
- VisualEditor is now the main editing tool on 53 more Wikipedias. [1.034]
- You can now edit the mobile site of all wikis without an account. [1.035]
- You can test a new tool on the beta mobile site on the English Wikipedia. With the new tool, you can create lists of articles. [1.036]
- You can now see that VisualEditor is opening even if you're not looking at the top of the page. [1.037]
- VisualEditor doesn't leave empty titles with just nowiki tags any more. [1.038] [1.039] [1.040] [1.041]
- You can join a meeting with the Wikidata team. The meeting will be on IRC on March 31 at 16:00 (UTC). [1.042]
- You can read the notes from the last meeting with the VisualEditor team.
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 1 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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17:18, 30. Mär. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can join a new email list for important news about Wikimedia Labs. [1.043]
- You can read the last monthly report. In the future you can read team reports every three months. You can see current work on the roadmap. [1.044] [1.045]
- The number of articles in Special:Statistics is now updated once a month. [1.046]
- You can use a new version of the Wikipedia app for Android. Using the app, you can now share a fact with your friends. [1.047]
- The import tool was broken for a few days. Imports didn't add log entries. You can delete and import pages again if necessary. [1.048]
- Labs was broken several times this week. [1.049] [1.050] [1.051] [1.052]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since April 1. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from April 7. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 8 (calendar).
- You can now add the same special characters with VisualEditor as with the wikitext editor. [1.053]
- Many bugs around copy-paste in VisualEditor are now fixed. [1.054] [1.055]
- You can now use basic tools of VisualEditor in the new talk tool. You can add links, bold and italics. You can also mention people. [1.056]
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 8 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- You can again comment on how you want to see Wikidata edits in your watchlist on other wikis. [1.057]
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17:41, 6. Apr. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can read the latest news about VisualEditor.
- You can now use the new translation tool on 22 Wikipedias. You now see the tool the first time you create a new page. [1.058]
- The list of bad user names on your wiki no longer works. The global list replaces it. You can ask to add rules for bad user names on Meta. [1.059] [1.060]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since April 8. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from April 14. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 15 (calendar).
- Developers will start to rename 1.5 million accounts on Wednesday. After that all accounts will be unique and will work on all wikis. [1.063] [1.064]
- All users can now test link previews ("Hovercards") on several Wikipedias. [1.065]
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 15 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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18:40, 13. Apr. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There was sometimes a problem when saving a page in VisualEditor. It is now fixed on all wikis. [1.066]
- VisualEditor sometimes showed empty warnings for wikis using Flagged Revisions. This is now fixed on all wikis. [1.067]
- You can get the new version of the Wikipedia app for iOS. With it you can share facts with your friends. [1.068]
- If you write JavaScript, you should stop using importScript and importStylesheet. [1.069]
- There was a problem with Labs on Monday. [1.070]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since April 15. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from April 21. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 22 (calendar).
- Developers are renaming 1.5 million accounts. After that all accounts will be unique and will work on all wikis. [1.071] [1.072] [1.073]
- If your wiki has the auto-fill tool for citations, you can now use it when you edit a reference. [1.074]
- You can now give examples for template options in TemplateData. [1.075]
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 22 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
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17:29, 20. Apr. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- All accounts are now unique and work on all wikis. [1.078] [1.079]
- You can read a report from experts who tested the security of MediaWiki. [1.080]
- There was a problem between VisualEditor and an antivirus software. It is now fixed. [1.081]
- You can help test VisualEditor to see if it works in your language. [1.082]
- Some Labs tools had problems due to a software bug. [1.083]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since April 22. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from April 28. It will be on all Wikipedias from April 29 (calendar).
- It is now clearer that you can delete several rows and columns when you edit tables in VisualEditor. [1.084]
- You now see more information when you search for a template in VisualEditor. [1.085]
- You can now cancel when you add citations on desktop, or edit links on mobile, in VisualEditor. [1.086]
- You can now see the list of other formats for videos only after they're ready. [1.087]
- You can join the next weekly meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on April 29 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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17:10, 27. Apr. 2015 (CEST)
Support request with team editing experiment project
BearbeitenDear tech ambassadors, instead of spamming the Village Pump of each Wikipedia about my tiny project proposal for researching team editing (see here:, I have decided to leave to your own discretion if the matter is relevant enough to inform a wider audience already. I would appreciate if you could appraise if the Wikipedia community you are more familiar with could have interest in testing group editing "on their own grounds" and with their own guidance. In a nutshell: it consists in editing pages as a group instead of as an individual. This social experiment might involve redefining some aspects of the workflow we are all used to, with the hope of creating a more friendly and collaborative environment since editing under a group umbrella creates less social exposure than traditional "individual editing". I send you this message also as a proof that the Inspire Campaign is already gearing up. As said I would appreciate of *you* just a comment on the talk page/endorsement of my project noting your general perception about the idea. Nothing else. Your contribution helps to shape the future! (which I hope it will be very bright, with colors, and Wikipedia everywhere) Regards from User:Micru on meta.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now chat with other users in Phabricator. [1.088]
- There was a rare problem with VisualEditor. The text of another wiki could be added to your edit. The issue is now fixed. [1.089] [1.090]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since April 29. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from May 5. It will be on all Wikipedias from May 6 (calendar).
- It is now easier to add a link in VisualEditor. You can see an image and a description about the page. [1.091]
- You can join a meeting with the Language team. The meeting will be on May 5 at 14:30 (UTC). [1.092]
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on May 6 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join an event in France on May 22−25. You need to sign up before May 8. [1.093]
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17:03, 4. Mai 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now make charts and maps on your wiki with the new "graph" tool. If you have an old browser, you will see images instead. It uses a tool called Vega; you can learn how to use it and write help pages for your wiki. You can use the Vega edit tool to make charts and copy the code to your wiki. Charts and maps use complex code and you should put them into templates. In the future, you will be able to create charts with VisualEditor. [1.094] [1.095] [1.096]
- You can apply for technical jobs to develop tools for the community. [1.097]
- The logos of all wikis are now in a new place. It will make pages load faster. You can still ask to change the logo. You can also use local CSS for brief changes. [1.098] [1.099]
- There was a problem that caused slow editing. [1.100]
- Pages were sometimes removed from your watchlist in VisualEditor. This problem is now fixed. [1.101]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since May 6. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from May 12. It will be on all Wikipedias from May 13 (calendar).
- You can now use data from Wikidata on more pages. The page doesn't need to be linked to the Wikidata item. It works on a few wikis and more wikis will be added soon. [1.102] [1.103]
- You should get fewer errors when you add files to Commons. [1.104]
- When you use an external link to link to a wiki page, VisualEditor now converts it to a wiki link. [1.105]
- When you add a link in VisualEditor, you see pages that match what you type. It is now easier to see where they match. [1.106]
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on May 13 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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17:34, 11. Mai 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can watch a video about the new graph tool.
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since May 13. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from May 19. It will be on all Wikipedias from May 20 (calendar).
- References are now always in the right order. Also, the reference list now only shows references used on the page. [1.107]
- You can no longer create an account with a colon ':' in it. If you already have one, it still works. [1.108]
- The toolbar in VisualEditor now looks different. It is easier to see the icons. [1.109]
- You won't be able to use e-mail lists for a few hours on Tuesday. [1.110] [1.111]
- UploadWizard now shows better matches when you add a category to your file. [1.112]
- A test about VisualEditor will start on the English Wikipedia on Thursday. [1.113]
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on May 21 at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join a technical meeting in France this week.
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17:18, 18. Mai 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- VisualEditor was broken for 30 minutes on Tuesday. The problem was due to a tool it uses. [1.114]
- Some Labs tools had issues last week. [1.115] [1.116]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since May 20. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from May 26. It will be on all Wikipedias from May 27 (calendar).
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on May 28 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- You can add your ideas of new tools to help active users like you. [1.117]
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18:12, 25. Mai 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Many wikis were slow for a few hours on Wednesday due to a code error. Sometimes the pages did not load at all and showed an error. [1.118]
- Some tools in Labs were broken on Wednesday and Thursday. [1.119]
- Edit tags added by the software were broken on all wikis from May 23 to May 28. [1.120] [1.121]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and since May 27. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from June 2. It will be on all Wikipedias from June 3 (calendar).
- You won't be able to use e-mail lists for a few hours on Tuesday. [1.122]
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on June 3 at 18:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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17:30, 1. Jun. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from June 9. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from June 10. It will be on all Wikipedias from June 11 (calendar). [1.123] [1.124]
- If you use the Monobook skin, the buttons and other controls now look more the same in VisualEditor and other tools. [1.125]
- When you edit links and other items in VisualEditor, you now need to apply your change before closing the tool. [1.126]
- The title of dialogs is now easier to see when it is near long buttons. [1.127]
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on June 9 at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join a meeting with the Language team. The meeting will be on June 10 at 14:30 (UTC). [1.128]
Future changes
- If you have a bot, you may need to fix it. The default continuation mode of the API for
will change at the end of June. [1.129]
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17:21, 8. Jun. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Users have created more than 5000 articles with the new translation tool. [1.130]
- Editing a page is now faster. This is because some statistics about edit filters were removed. [1.131]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 16 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from 17 June. It will be on all Wikipedias from 18 June (calendar).
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on June 16 at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join a meeting with the Wikidata team. It will be on June 19 at 16:00 (UTC). [1.132]
Future changes
- Developers are working on a new tool to get and send newsletters. If you read or write a newsletter, share your ideas about it. [1.133]
- If you use Pywikibot, soon you won't be able to use
anymore. [1.134] [1.135] [1.136]
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17:04, 15. Jun. 2015 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Some wikis can now be used only with HTTPS. This includes the English, Russian and Chinese Wikipedias, among others. Soon all wikis will use only HTTPS for all users. [1.137] [1.138]
- You can't use HTTPS wikis with Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP. You need to use another browser. [1.139]
- On June 15, search was broken on all wikis for several hours. [1.140] [1.141] [1.142]
- On June 16, images were broken for several hours on wikis that use InstantCommons. [1.143] [1.144] [1.145]
- Many Labs tools were broken for several days. Almost all of them are back now. They may be missing some data for the last 10 days. [1.146] [1.147] [1.148]
Changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from June 23. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from June 24. It will be on all Wikipedias from June 25 (calendar).
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The meeting will be on June 23 at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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17:23, 22. Jun. 2015 (CEST)