Diese Seite dokumentiert alle Typen von Markern, die derzeit auf den dynamischen Karten verwendet werden können.
Verwendung der Typen
BearbeitenDie Vorlagen erwarten immer die englischen Typenbezeichnungen. Im Marker sind daher diese zu verwenden. Nur der VCard-Editor bietet deutsche Bezeichnungen, die aber beim Speichern des Datensatzes in die englische Bezeichnungen umgewandelt werden.
BearbeitenFolgende Typen sind für {{Marker}} und {{VCard}} derzeit verfügbar:
Die erste Spalte enthält die deutschen Übersetzungen, die zweite die zugehörige Gruppe und die dritte den eigentlichen englischen Namen, wie er in die Vorlage eingetragen wird.
Beschriftung | Gruppe | Typ |
Akademie | other | academy |
Aktivität | do | do |
Altar | religion | altar |
Altstadt | see | old town |
Amphitheater | see | amphitheater |
Anderes | other | other |
Anreise | go | go |
Antiquariat | buy | antiquarian |
Apotheke | health | pharmacy |
Apotheken-Notdienst | health | pharmacy on standby duty |
Appartement-Hotel | sleep | appartment |
Aquädukt | see | aqueduct |
Aquapark, Wasserpark | do | water park |
Aquarium | nature | aquarium |
Arbeit | other | work |
Archäologische Stätte | see | archaeological site |
Architektur | see | architecture |
Archiv | see | archive |
Arena | do | arena |
Ärztehaus, Poliklinik | health | health center |
Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst | health | medical on-call service |
Arztpraxis | health | doctor |
Attraktion | do | attraction |
Ausbildung | other | education |
Ausfahrt, Auffahrt, Anschlussstelle, Autobahnkreuz | go | motorway junction |
Aussichtspunkt | view | viewpoint |
Aussichtsturm | view | observation tower |
Ausstellung | see | exhibition |
Autoverleih, Autovermietung | go | car rental |
Autowerkstatt | go | car repair |
Bach | nature | stream |
Bäckerei | buy | bakery |
Backhaus | see | bakehouse |
Badehaus, Hammam | do | public bath |
Badminton | do | badminton |
Bahai-Tempel | religion | bahai temple |
Bahnhof, Haltepunkt | go | rail |
Ballonfahren | do | ballooning |
Bank, Geldwesen | buy | bank |
Bar | drink | bar |
Barfußpfad | do | barefoot path |
Basilika | religion | basilica |
Basketballfeld | do | basketball court |
Bauernhof, Gut | nature | farm |
Baum | nature | tree |
Beachvolleyball | do | beachvolleyball |
Bed & Breakfast | sleep | bnb |
Berg | nature | mountain |
Bergbaumuseum | see | mining museum |
Berghütte | sleep | alpine hut |
Bergsteigen | do | mountaineering |
Bergwandern | do | mountain hiking |
Bergwerk, Mine | see | mine |
Bett und Bike | sleep | bed and bike |
Biergarten | drink | beer garden |
Bildmotiv | view | scenic view |
Bildstock | religion | wayside shrine |
Billiard | do | billiards |
Bistro | eat | bistro |
Blumenladen | buy | florist |
BMX | do | bmx |
Bobsport | do | bobsleigh |
Bogenschießen | do | archery |
Boot-Sharing, Boot-Charter | go | boat sharing |
Bootsfahrt, Schiffstour | go | boat trip |
Bootssport | do | canoe |
Bootsverleih | do | boat rental |
Botanischer Garten | nature | botanical garden |
Botschaft | other | embassy |
Bouldern, Klettern | do | bouldering |
Boules | do | boules |
Boutique | buy | boutique |
Bowling | do | 10pin |
Brasserie | eat | brasserie |
Brauerei | drink | brewery |
Brennerei | drink | distillery |
Brücke | see | bridge |
Brunnen | see | well |
Bücherei | other | library |
Bücherschrank | other | bookcase |
Buchhandlung | buy | book seller |
Bucht | nature | bay |
Buddha-Statue | religion | buddharupa |
Bungeespringen | do | bungee jumping |
Bunker | see | bunker |
Burg | see | castle |
Büro | other | office |
Bushaltestelle | go | bus |
Cabaret, Kabarett, Musiktheater | do | cabaret |
Cafeteria | eat | cafeteria |
Café, Kaffeehaus | eat | cafe |
Campingplatz, Zeltplatz | sleep | campsite |
Canyon, Schlucht | nature | canyon |
Canyoning | do | canyoning |
Caravan-Campingplatz | sleep | caravan site |
Carsharing | go | car sharing |
Chalet, Ferienhaus | sleep | chalet |
Club | drink | club |
Coworking Space | other | coworking space |
Cricket | do | cricket |
Defibrillator | health | defibrillator |
Deich | nature | dyke |
Dekompressionskammer | health | diving chamber |
Delfinarium | nature | dolphinarium |
Denkmal | see | memorial |
Diskothek | drink | discotheque |
Distrikt | area | district |
Dorf | populated | village |
Drogerie | buy | chemist |
Düne | nature | dune |
Duty-Free-Geschäft | buy | duty-free shop |
Ecolodge | sleep | ecolodge |
Edutainment | do | edutainment |
Einkaufen | buy | buy |
Einkaufsstraße | buy | shopping street |
Einkaufsviertel | buy | shopping district |
Einkaufszentrum, Mall | buy | mall |
Eisbahn | do | ice rink |
Eisdiele | eat | ice cream |
Eishockey | do | ice hockey |
Eislaufen | do | ice skating |
Eissporthalle | do | ice stadium |
Ereignis, Veranstaltung | do | event |
Erste Hilfe | health | first aid |
Extremsport | do | extreme sports |
Fabrik | see | factory |
Fähranleger | go | ferry |
Fahrradladen | buy | bike shop |
Fahrradparkplatz | go | bicycle parking |
Fahrradverleih | go | bicycle rental |
Fallschirmspringen | do | parachuting |
Fastfood, Schnellrestaurant | eat | fast food |
Fehler | error | error |
Feinkostladen | buy | delicatessen |
Felsbild | see | rock art |
Felsen | nature | rock |
Feriensiedlung | populated | holiday resort |
Ferienwohnung | sleep | holiday flat |
Fernsehturm, Fernmeldeturm | see | communication tower |
Festspiele | do | festival |
Festung, Fort | see | fort |
Feuchtgebiet | nature | wetland |
Feuertempel | religion | fire temple |
Feuerwehr | other | fire brigade |
Fischen, Angeln | do | fishing |
Fischrestaurant | eat | fish restaurant |
Fischteich | nature | fish pond |
Fitnessstudio | do | fitness center |
Fjord | nature | fjord |
Flohmarkt | buy | flea market |
Flüchtlingscamp | populated | refugee camp |
Fluchtspiel, Escape Game | do | escape game |
Fluggesellschaft | go | airline |
Flughafen | go | airport |
Flughafendienst | go | airport service |
Flurkreuz, Wegkreuz | religion | wayside cross |
Fluss | nature | river |
Flussmündung | nature | river mouth |
Fotogeschäft | buy | photo store |
Freibad | do | outdoor pool |
Freilichtmuseum | see | open air museum |
Freizeitpark | do | amusement park |
Freizeitzentrum | do | leisure center |
Fremdenführer | other | guide |
Friedhof, Nekropole | see | cemetery |
Friseur | buy | hairdresser |
Fundbüro | other | lost and found |
Furt | go | ford |
Fußball | do | soccer |
Fußballfeld | do | football pitch |
Fußgängerzone | see | pedestrian |
Galerie | see | gallery |
Garten | nature | garden |
Gartenbau, Gärtnerei | nature | horticulture |
Gästehaus | sleep | guest house |
Gebäude | see | building |
Gebäudekomplex, Bauwerkgruppe | see | building complex |
Gebirge | nature | mountain range |
Gebirgspass | nature | mountain pass |
Gebirgszug | nature | mountain chain |
Gebrauchtwarenladen | buy | second hand |
Geisterstadt | see | ghost town |
Geldautomat, Bankomat | buy | atm |
Gemeinde | populated | municipality |
Gemeindezentrum | other | community center |
Gemeinschaftsküche, Langar | eat | community kitchen |
Gepäckaufbewahrung | go | left luggage |
Gericht, Tribunal | do | court |
Geschäft, Laden, Shop | buy | shop |
Gestüt | nature | stud |
Gesundheit | health | health |
Getränkegeschäft | buy | beverages |
Gewerbegebiet | buy | business park |
Geysir | nature | geyser |
Gipfel | nature | summit |
Gipfelkreuz | religion | summit cross |
Gletscher | nature | glacier |
Golf (Bucht) | nature | gulf |
Golf (Sport) | do | golf |
Grab | see | grave |
Grabkammer | see | tomb |
Gradierwerk | see | graduation tower |
Greifvogelschau, Freiflugvorführung | do | falconry display |
Grenzkontrolle | go | border control |
Grillplatz | eat | grill site |
Gruppenunterkunft | sleep | group accomodation |
Gurdwara | religion | gurdwara |
Gymnasium | other | gymnasium |
Habitat | nature | habitat |
Hafen | go | harbor |
Halbinsel | nature | peninsula |
Halle | see | hall |
Hallenbad | do | indoor pool |
Handwerk, Kunsthandwerk | see | handicraft |
Handwerksgeschäft | buy | crafts shop |
Haus | see | house |
Heilbad, Spa, Wellnesscenter | do | spa |
Heiligenhäuschen | religion | chapel shrine |
Heiligtum | religion | sanctuary |
Herberge, Hostel | sleep | hostel |
Hindutempel | religion | hindu temple |
historisches Gebiet | see | historic district |
Hochebene, Plateau | nature | plateau |
Hochschule, College | other | college |
Hofladen | buy | farm shop |
Höhle | nature | cave |
Hotel garni | sleep | hotel garni |
Hotel | sleep | hotel |
Hotline | other | hotline |
Hubschrauberlandeplatz, Heliport | go | heliport |
Hügel | nature | hill |
Hundezone, Hundewiese | nature | dog park |
Hütte | sleep | hut |
Imbissstand, Food-counter, Würstelstand | eat | snack bar |
Industriepark | buy | industrial park |
Insel | nature | island |
Institut | other | institute |
Internatsschule | other | boarding school |
Internetcafé | other | internet cafe |
Izakaya-Restaurant | eat | izakaya |
Jagd | do | hunting |
Jugendherberge | sleep | youth hostel |
Jugendzentrum | do | youth center |
Juwelier | buy | jewellery |
Kai, Schiffsanleger, Kaje | go | quay |
Kanal | nature | canal |
Kanone | see | cannon |
Kantine, Mensa | eat | canteen |
Kap | nature | cape |
Kapelle | religion | chapel |
Karaoke | do | karaoke |
Kartsport | do | karting |
Käserei | buy | cheesery |
Kaserne | see | barracks |
Kathedrale | religion | cathedral |
Kegeln | do | 9pin |
Keller | see | cellar |
Kellerei | drink | winery |
Kinder | other | children |
Kindergarten | other | kindergarten |
Kinderkrippe | other | nursery |
Kino, Filmtheater | do | cinema |
Kiosk | buy | kiosk |
Kirche | religion | church |
Kitesurfen | do | kitesurfing |
Kleinstadt | populated | town |
Klippe | nature | cliff |
Kloster, Abtei | religion | monastery |
Kneipe | drink | pub |
Kneipp-Anlage | health | kneipp facility |
Kochkurs | other | cooking class |
Konditorei, Feinbäckerei | buy | pastry shop |
Konsulat | other | consulate |
Kontrollpunkt | other | checkpoint |
Konzerthaus | do | concert hall |
Kosmetik | buy | cosmetics shop |
Kraftwerk, Energie | see | power |
Krankenhaus, Spital | health | hospital |
Krater | nature | crater |
Krematorium | see | crematorium |
Kreuzung | go | junction |
Kriegsgrab | see | war grave |
Krokodilfarm | nature | crocodile farm |
Küche, Essen | eat | eat |
Kulturerbe | see | cultural heritage |
Kulturorganisation | other | cultural organisation |
Kulturzentrum | do | cultural center |
Kunstwerk | see | artwork |
Kunstzentrum | do | arts center |
Küste | nature | coast |
Labor | health | laboratory |
Ladestation, Stromtankstelle | go | charging station |
Lagune | nature | lagoon |
Lak Müang | religion | lak mueang |
Land, Staat | area | country |
Landeplatz | go | landing site |
Landgut, Domäne, Rittergut | see | domain |
Landschaft | nature | landscape |
Landwirtschaft | eat | agriculture |
Laufsport | do | running |
Lebensmittel | eat | food |
Lebensmittelladen | buy | grocery |
Leichtathletikanlage | do | athletics track |
Leuchtturm, Bake, Seezeichen | see | lighthouse |
Light-Railway-Station | go | light railway |
Liste | other | list |
Listung | other | listing |
Mangrove | nature | mangrove |
Markt | buy | market |
Massagesalon | do | massage |
Mauer | see | wall |
Mausoleum | see | mausoleum |
Mautstation | go | toll station |
Meer, Ozean | nature | sea |
Meerenge | nature | strait |
Mehrzweckhalle | do | multi-purpose hall |
Messe, Handelsmesse | do | fair |
Metzgerei, Fleischerei | buy | butchery |
Mikwe | religion | mikveh |
Militär | other | military |
Minarett | religion | minaret |
Minigolf | do | minigolf |
Mobilfunkgeschäft | other | mobile telephony |
Modeladen, Bekleidungsgeschäft | buy | fashion store |
Monorail-Station | go | monorail |
Monument | see | monument |
Moschee | religion | mosque |
Motel | sleep | motel |
Motocross | do | motocross |
Motorradverleih | go | motorbike rental |
Mountainbikesport | do | mountain biking |
Mühle | see | mill |
Museum | see | museum |
Museumsbahn, Museumseisenbahn | do | heritage railway |
Museumsschiff | see | museum ship |
Musikdarbietung | do | music |
Musikgeschäft | buy | music shop |
Nachtclub | drink | nightclub |
Nähe, nahe Umgebung | area | vicinity |
Nationalpark | nature | national park |
Natur | nature | nature |
Naturerbe | nature | natural heritage |
Naturheilkunde | health | naturopathy |
Naturschutzgebiet | nature | nature reserve |
Nonnenkloster | religion | nunnery |
Notaufnahme, Notfallstation | health | emergency |
Notruf | other | emergency call |
Oase | nature | oasis |
Obelisk | see | obelisk |
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel | go | public transport |
Opernhaus | do | opera house |
Optiker | buy | optician |
Organisation | other | organisation |
Orientierungslauf | do | orienteering |
Ortsteil einer Gemeinde | populated | fraction |
Outdoor-Händler | buy | outdoor retailer |
Outlet, Fabrikverkauf | buy | outlet |
Pagode | religion | pagoda |
Paläontologische Stätte | nature | palaeontological site |
Palast | see | palace |
Pannenhilfe, Unfallhilfe | other | roadside assistance |
Paragliding | do | paragliding |
Park | nature | park |
Parkhaus | go | parking garage |
Parkplatz | go | parking |
Passstelle | other | passport office |
Pavillon, Gartenlaube | see | pavilion |
Pension | sleep | boarding house |
Pferderennen | do | horse racing |
Pflegeheim | health | nursing home |
Picknick | do | picnic |
Pier, Schiffsanleger | go | pier |
Pizzeria | eat | pizzeria |
Planetarium | see | planetarium |
Plantage | nature | plantation |
Platz | see | square |
Polizei | other | police |
Polo | do | polo |
Postamt | other | post |
Promenade | see | promenade |
Puppentheater | do | puppet theater |
Pyramide | see | pyramid |
Quad-Bike | do | quad bike |
Quelle | nature | spring |
Radfahren | do | cycling |
Radrennbahn | do | velodrome |
Radwanderweg | do | bicycle route |
Radweg | go | cycle track |
Rafting | do | rafting |
Raststätte, Autohof | go | service area |
Rathaus | see | town hall |
Regierungsgebäude | other | government |
Region | area | region |
Rehabilitation, Rehaklinik, Kurklinik | health | rehabilitation |
Reisebüro | other | travel agency |
Reiseveranstalter | other | tour operator |
Reiten | do | horse riding |
Religiöse Stätte | religion | religion |
Rennbahn | do | racetrack |
Resort | sleep | resort |
Restaurant, Gaststätte, Lokal | eat | restaurant |
Rettungsdienst, Notfallrettung | health | emergency medical services |
Rettungsstation | health | rescue center |
Riff | nature | reef |
Rodelbahn | do | toboggan |
Rodeln | do | sledding |
Rollsport | do | roller skating |
Rudern | do | rowing |
Ruine | see | ruins |
S-Bahn-Station, Vorortbahnstation | go | suburban rail |
Sammlergeschäft | buy | collector shop |
Sammlung | see | collection |
Sandboarding | do | sandboarding |
Säule, Gedenksäule | see | column |
Sauna, Dampfbad | do | sauna |
Schießstand, Schießplatz | do | shooting range |
Schiff | go | ship |
Schifffahrtsgesellschaft, Reederei | go | shipping company |
Schiffshebewerk | see | boat lift |
Schiffsschleuse, Schleuse | see | lock |
Schloss | see | chateau |
Schnorcheln | do | snorkeling |
Schrein | religion | shrine |
Schuhladen | buy | shoe shop |
Schule | other | school |
Schutzgebiet | nature | protected area |
Schwimmbad | do | swimming pool |
Schwimmen | do | swimming |
Scooter, Motorroller, Tretroller | go | scooter |
See, Teich | nature | lake |
Seefisch-Restaurant, Meeresfrüchte-Restaurant | eat | seafood restaurant |
Segelflug | do | gliding |
Segeln | do | sailing |
Sehenswürdigkeit | see | see |
Seilbahn | go | aerialway |
Seilgarten, Kletterpark | do | ropes course |
Senke | nature | depression |
Shintō-Schrein | religion | shinto shrine |
Shuttlebus-Service | go | shuttle bus service |
Siedlung | populated | settlement |
Skatepark | do | skatepark |
Ski Alpin, Abfahrt | do | downhill |
Ski Nordisch | do | nordic |
Skischule | do | ski school |
Skispringen | do | ski jumping |
Skitour | do | skitour |
Snowpark | do | snow park |
Sommerrodelbahn | do | summer toboggan |
Souvenirgeschäft, Andenkenladen | buy | souvenir shop |
Spielbank, Casino | do | casino |
Spielplatz | do | playground |
Spirituosengeschäft | buy | alcohol shop |
Sport | do | sports |
Sportgeschäft | buy | sports shop |
Sportstätte | do | sports venue |
Sprachschule | other | language school |
Springbrunnen | see | fountain |
Squash | do | squash |
Stadion | do | stadium |
Stadt | populated | city |
Stadtmauer | see | city wall |
Stadtstrand | do | city beach |
Stadtteil | populated | quarter |
Stadtzentrum, Stadtkern | see | city center |
Stall | nature | animal stable |
Standesamt | other | register office |
Standseilbahnstation | go | funicular |
Station | go | station |
Statue, Skulptur | see | statue |
Staudamm | see | embankment dam |
Stausee | nature | reservoir |
Stauwehr | see | weir |
Steakhaus | eat | steak house |
Steinbruch | see | quarry |
Stele | see | stele |
Steppe | nature | steppe |
Sternwarte | see | observatory |
Stierkampfarena | do | bullring |
Stolperstein | see | stolperstein |
Strand | do | beach |
Straße | see | road |
Straßenbahnhaltestelle, Tramhaltestelle | go | tram |
Street Food | eat | street food |
Stupa | religion | stupa |
Supermarkt | buy | supermarket |
Surfen | do | surfing |
Synagoge | religion | synagogue |
Tagungs- oder Konferenzzentrum | do | conference center |
Take-away | eat | takeaway |
Tal | nature | valley |
Talsperre | see | dam |
Tankstelle | go | fuel |
Tauchbasis | do | dive center |
Tauchen | do | scuba diving |
Tauchplatz, Tauchgebiet | nature | dive site |
Taverne | eat | tavern |
Taxistand | go | taxi |
technisches Denkmal | see | technical monument |
Teehaus | eat | teahouse |
Telefon | other | phone |
Tempel | religion | temple |
Tennisplatz | do | tennis |
Teppichgeschäft | buy | carpet shop |
Terminal | go | terminal |
Theater | do | theater |
Themenpark | do | theme park |
Themenreisen | do | themed travel |
Thermalquelle | nature | hot spring |
Ticketverkauf | buy | ticket shop |
Tierarzt | health | veterinary |
Tierbeobachtung | do | wildlife observation |
Tierklinikum | health | animal hospital |
Toiletten | other | toilet |
Tor | see | gate |
Tour, Rundfahrt | do | tour |
Tourismusbehörde | other | tourism authority |
Touristinformation, Besucherzentrum, Fremdenverkehrsamt | other | tourist information |
Trampolinpark | do | trampoline park |
Triathlon | do | triathlon |
Trinken | drink | drink |
Trinkhalle | drink | drinking hall |
Trinkwasser | drink | drinking water |
Tumulus, Hügelgrab | see | tumulus |
Tunnel | go | tunnel |
Turm | see | tower |
U-Bahn-Station | go | subway |
Umgebung | area | surroundings |
Universität | other | university |
Unterhaltung | do | entertainment |
Unterkunft | sleep | sleep |
Unternehmen | other | company |
Unterstand | other | shelter |
Veranstaltungszentrum | do | event venue |
Verkaufsautomat | buy | vending machine |
Verwaltung, Behörde, Amt | other | administration |
Verwaltungseinheit 1. Ebene | area | adm1st |
Verwaltungseinheit 2. Ebene | area | adm2nd |
Verwaltungseinheit 3. Ebene | area | adm3rd |
Viadukt | see | viaduct |
Vogelbeobachtung | do | bird watching |
Volkshochschule | other | folk high school |
Vulkan | nature | volcano |
Wahrzeichen | see | landmark |
Wakeboarding | do | wakeboarding |
Wald | nature | forest |
Wallfahrtsort | religion | pilgrimage site |
Wandern | do | hiking |
Wanderweg | do | trail |
Warenhaus, Kaufhaus | buy | department store |
Warteraum, Wartesaal | go | waiting room |
Wäscherei | other | laundry |
Wasserbauwerk | see | hydraulic structure |
Wasserfall, Katarakt | nature | waterfall |
Wassermühle | see | watermill |
Wasserski | do | water skiing |
Wassersport | do | water sports |
Wassersportgeschäft | buy | watersports shop |
Wat | religion | wat |
Weblink | other | weblink |
Wechselstube | buy | currency exchange |
Wegpunkt | go | waypoint |
Weingut, Weinberg | drink | vineyard |
Weinkeller | drink | wine cellar |
Weltraumbahnhof | see | spaceport |
Werft | see | shipyard |
Wetterstation | see | weather station |
Wiese | nature | meadow |
Wildnishütte | sleep | wilderness hut |
Windmühle | see | windmill |
Wintersport | do | winter sports |
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft | other | business development agency |
WLAN-Hotspot | other | wlan |
Wohltätigkeitsorganisation | other | relief organisation |
Wrack | see | wreck |
Wüste | nature | desert |
Yachthafen, Marina | go | marina |
Zahnarzt | health | dentist |
Zahnärztlicher Notdienst | health | dental emergency service |
Zeitung, Zeitungsverlag | other | newspaper |
Zirkus | do | circus |
Zoll | other | customs |
Zoo, Tierpark | nature | zoo |
BearbeitenFolgende Gruppen sind für {{Marker}} und {{VCard}} derzeit verfügbar:
Gruppenbezeichnung | Standardtyp im VCard-Editor | interne Gruppenbezeichnung | Farbe | RGB-Farbcode |
Aktivität | sports | do | #808080 | |
Anderes | office | other | #808000 | |
Anreise | station | go | #A52A2A | |
aquamarinblau | mediumaquamarine | #66CDAA | ||
Ausgehen | bar | drink | #2F4F4F | |
Aussicht | viewpoint | view | #4169E1 | |
Besiedelt | town | populated | #0000FF | |
cosmos | cosmos | #FFCFCF | ||
Fehler | error | #FF00FF | ||
Gebiet | region | area | #800000 | |
Gesundheit | hospital | health | #DC143C | |
gold | gold | #FFD700 | ||
hellgrün | lime | #BFFF00 | ||
Kaufen | shop | buy | #008080 | |
Küche | restaurant | eat | #D2691E | |
Maske | mask | #FF00FF | ||
Natur | landscape | nature | #228B22 | |
orange | orange | #FFA500 | ||
pflaumenblau | plum | #DDA0DD | ||
Religion | church | religion | #DAA520 | |
rot | red | #FF0000 | ||
Sehenswert | monument | see | #4682B4 | |
silber | silver | #C0C0C0 | ||
Track | track | #FF00FF | ||
Unterkunft | hotel | sleep | #000080 | |
violett | purple | #800080 |