Vorlage:Routebox entry

Makes a color box for Rail-interchange entries.
Parameter | Beschreibung | Typ | Status | |
Text | 1 | The Route ID, the text that gets displayed. | Einzeiliger Text | erforderlich |
Background colour | 2 | including #) or colour name understood by HTML/CSS is required.
| Einzeiliger Text | optional |
Text colour | 3 | Either a RGB HEX code (including #) or colour name understood by HTML/CSS is required.
| Einzeiliger Text | optional |
Border | b | The colour of the border. Accepts text / t – Same colour as text; bg , none and n – Same colour as background; custom / c – A custom colour which is defined in bcolor . Don't use the parameter if you want to add a border with the same colour as the background or text.
| Einzeiliger Text | optional |
Border colour | bcolor | Like parameters 2 and 3 , this requires a RGB HEX code including the # consisting of 6 hexadecimal values (0-F). This parameter requires b to be set to custom / c in order to have effect. Defining this parameter without setting the background to custom, you're making the template input longer than necessary without it having any result on the output.
| Einzeiliger Text | optional |
Radius | r | The radius settings of the label. Accepts cube / none / n – no round-over, edge / e – slight round-over on the corners, circle / c – full round-over on the corners.
| Einzeiliger Text | optional |
Mouse-over text | mo | Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the label. If not defined, no mouse-over will show. If something different is defined, then that string will be used. | Einzeiliger Text | optional |
Format: inline
- Bare minimum; only defining text:
→ Line
- Bare minimum with colour:
{{Routebox entry|Circle line|yellow|black}}
→ Circle line
- Text, colours and radius settings defined:
{{Routebox entry|A|white|#FE372E|r=c|b=t|mo=Réseau Express Régional Line A}}
→ A
- Everything defined:
{{Routebox entry|P|white|#F5D05C|r=e|b=t|mo=Transilien, Paris Est}}
→ P
See also
- Vorlage:Rail-interchange, the main template where this template is called from.
- Die obige Dokumentation wurde aus der Seite Vorlage:Routebox entry/Doku eingefügt. (bearbeiten | Versionsgeschichte) Die Kategorien für diese Vorlage sollten in der Dokumentation eingetragen werden. Die Interwiki-Links sollten auf Wikidata eingepflegt werden.
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