
Dieses Modul enthält die Internationalisierung Zeichenketten für das Modul vCard.
Versionsbezeichnung auf Wikidata:2025-01-30

- Die obige Dokumentation wurde aus der Seite Modul:VCard/i18n/Doku eingefügt. (bearbeiten | Versionsgeschichte) Die Kategorien für dieses Modul sollten in der Dokumentation eingetragen werden. Die Interwiki-Links sollten auf Wikidata eingepflegt werden.
- Liste der Unterseiten
-- This module contains wiki-language specific strings to translate.
-- First table contains the arguments' parameter names, the second
-- one data name for the wrapping listing tag.
-- The following table is used for template's parameter localization.
-- The item value like 'address-lang' is the parameter name used in the template.
-- The key/index is used by the Marker module. Use value strings for localization.
return {
-- administration
moduleInterface = {
suite = 'vCard',
sub = 'i18n',
serial = '2025-01-30',
item = 65455749
p = {
address = 'address',
addressLang = 'address-lang',
addressLocal = 'address-local',
alt = 'alt',
auto = 'auto',
before = 'before',
checkin = 'checkin',
checkout = 'checkout',
comment = 'comment',
commonscat = 'commonscat',
copyMarker = { 'copy-marker', 'marker-copy' },
country = 'country',
description = { 'description', 'content' },
directions = 'directions',
directionsLocal = 'directions-local',
email = 'email',
facebook = 'facebook',
fax = 'fax',
flickr = 'flickr',
group = 'group',
googlemaps = { 'google-map', 'google-maps' },
hours = 'hours',
id = 'id',
image = 'image',
instagram = 'instagram',
lastedit = 'lastedit',
lat = { 'lat', 'latitude', 'coord' },
long = { 'long', 'lon', 'longitude' },
mapGroup = 'map-group',
mobile = 'mobile',
name = 'name',
-- nameExtra = 'name-extra',
nameLatin = 'name-latin',
nameLocal = 'name-local',
nameMap = 'name-map',
payment = 'payment',
phone = 'phone',
price = 'price',
sectionFrom = 'section-from',
show = 'show',
skype = 'skype',
status = 'status',
styles = 'styles',
subtype = { 'subtype', 'subtypes' },
tiktok = 'tiktok',
tollfree = 'tollfree',
twitter = { 'twitter', 'x' },
type = { 'type', 'types' },
url = 'url',
wikidata = 'wikidata',
-- wikipedia = 'wikipedia', -- deprecated
youtube = 'youtube',
zoom = 'zoom',
date = 'date', -- for events
month = 'month',
year = 'year',
endDate = 'enddate',
endMonth = 'endmonth',
endYear = 'endyear',
frequency = 'frequency',
location = 'location'
-- additional vCard options
options = {
defaultAuto = true, -- vCard default auto mode
defaultShow = 'poi',
lasteditHours = true,
showIata = true, -- possible values true, false
showIcao = true,
showUnesco = true,
useMobile = true -- distinguish landline and mobile phones