Vorlage:Error:must be substituted

Diese Vorlage sollte substituiert werden. Bitte ersetze {{{{{1}}}}} durch {{subst:{{{1}}}}} (inklusiver möglicher Parameter).

Dokumentation für die Vorlage {{Error:must be substituted}}[Ansicht] [Bearbeiten] [Versionsgeschichte] [Aktualisieren]


In a template that must be substituted, add the following code at the top:

{{ {{#ifeq:{{<includeonly>subst:</includeonly>void}}|{{void}}|void|Error:must be substituted}}| template name }}

Example: en:Template:Demo of template that must be substituted (links, bearbeiten).

while {{subst:Demo of template that must be substituted}} gives "Template body".

See also
